On this day

On this day

Birthday anniversary of Vladimir N. Kokovtsov, Russian statesman, count, Minister of Finance of the Russian Empire

18 April 1853

6 (18) April 1853 in the village of Gorno-Pokrovskoye, Bogorovich uyezd, Novgorod province, in the family of Lieutenant Colonel of Railway Engineers Corps was born Vladimir N. Kokovtsov, Russian statesman, Count (from 1914), Actual Privy Counsellor (1905). V. N. Kokovtsov served as a Senator (1900), the Secretary of State (1902-1904), a member of the State Council (1905-1917), Minister of Finance of the Russian Empire (1904-1914).

Press law of the Emperor Alexander II

18 April 1865

On April 6 (18), 1865 Alexander II approved the opinion of the State Council ‘On donation of some facilitation and conveniences to the national press’ and ‘On some changes and amendments to the current censor decrees’.