Eurasia – Our Home

The collection is dedicated to Russia’s unique geostrategic position in the center of Eurasia – not only in the European, but also in the Asian part of the continent. In recent years, the Asian direction of development of the Russian Federation has increasingly come to the fore in terms of prospects for economic cooperation and concentration of resources.
The concept of our country’s foreign policy was outlined by the President of Russia in a Decree dated March 31, 2023, in which Greater Eurasia was named a priority region of cooperation, tasks were set to strengthen such Eurasian organizations as the SCO, the EAEU, the CSTO and the CIS, and to develop the following transport corridors: North – South, Europe – Western China, Russia – Mongolia – China.
This is a large complex of small collections dedicated to the historical advancement of Russia to the Far East and the Pacific region, to Central Asia, as well as collections on the history of relations between Russia and other Eurasian countries: Azerbaijan, Armenia, the Republic of Belarus and other post-Soviet states, as well as Vietnam, India, Iran, China, Mongolia and Serbia.
The collection is a whole complex of small collections dedicated to the historical advancement of Russia to the Far East to the Pacific region, to Central Asia, as well as collections on the history of relations between Russia and other Eurasian countries: Azerbaijan, Armenia, the Republic of Belarus and other post-Soviet states, as well as Vietnam, India, Iran, China, Mongolia and Serbia.
A separate page of Russian diplomacy covers the interaction with African countries in the context of cooperation in the cultural, economic and military spheres.
- The World of Eurasia. The Development
Russia and Europe
Danilevsky, Nikolai Yakovlevich (1822-1885). Russia and Europe. St. Petersburg: The publication of N. Strakhov, 1888.Collected works of K. Leontiev. T. 2. [From the life of Christians in Turkey
Leontiev, Konstantin Nikolayevich (1831-1891). Collected works of K. Leontiev. [From the life of Christians in Turkey.
Moscow: В.М. Sablin, 1912-19.Collected works of K. Leontiev. T. 3. [From the life of Christians in Turkey
Leontiev. Konstantin Nikolaevich. 1831-1891. Collected works of K. Leontiev. Moscow: V.M. Sablin, 1912-19.
T. 3: [From the life of Christians in Turkey.Collected works of K. Leontiev. T. 5. [East, Russia and the Slavs]
Leontiev, Konstantin Nikolayevich (1831-1891). Collected works of K. Leontiev. [East, Russia and the Slavs]. Moscow: VM Sablin, 1912-19.Collected works of K. Leontiev. T. 7. [East, Russia and the Slavs]
Leontiev, Konstantin Nikolayevich (1831-1891). Collected works of K. Leontiev. [East, Russia and the Slavs]. Moscow: VM Sablin, 1912-19.I. In memory of K.N. Leontief
Alexandrov, Anatoly Alexandrovich (1861-1930). I. In memory of K.N. Leontief; II. Letters K.N. Leontief to Anatoly Alexandrov.
Sergiev Posad: type. St.-Tr.-Sergiev. laurels, 1915.Geographical features of Russia. T. 1. Vegetation and soils
Savitsky. Pyotr Nikolaevich. 1895-1968. Geographical features of Russia. 1927.
T. 1: Vegetation and soils. 1927. - Russia – Asia
Russia and England in Central Asia
Terentiev, Mikhail Afrikanovich (1837-1909). Russia and England in Central Asia.
St. Petersburg: Type. P. P. Merkulieva, 1875.Russia and England in Central Asia
Martens, Fedor Fedorovich (1845-1909). Russia and England in Central Asia.
St. Petersburg: E. Gartye p / f Kn. skl. "The Russian Bibliographer", 1880.Domestic and British historiography about rivalry between Russia and Great Britain in Central Asia
Dankov, Artem Georgievich (candidate of historical sciences). Domestic and British historiography about the rivalry between Russia and Great Britain in Central Asia. Tomsk, 2008.Historical aspects of the civilizational policy of tsarist Russia in Central Asia
Volkov, Ivan Vasilievich.Historical aspects of the civilizational policy of tsarist Russia in Central Asia.Mytishchi, 2020.On Inner Asia
Bessonov Yu.N.Po Inner Asia.Moscow: OGIZ State.publ geographer.Lighted., 1947.Bibliography on Central Asia
Vitkind, Natalia Ya. Bibliography on Central Asia. Moscow: Izd-vo Com. un-ta working people of the East. I. V. Stalin, 1929.- Russia – Central Asia
- The border in Central Asia
The case of the Council of Ministers on the letter of Turkestan Governor-General A. V. Samsonov on the conclusion of an agreement with Afghanistan on the issue of sharing water use from the rivers Murgab and Tejen, having origins in Afghanistan
The case of the Council of Ministers on the letter of Turkestan Governor-General A. V. Samsonov on the conclusion of an agreement with Afghanistan on the issue of sharing water use from the rivers Murgab and Tejen, having origins in Afghanistan. The year 1912.
- Russia and Countries of the World. The Pacific Rim
In 2012 Russia will first host “The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)” Forum. XXIV annual meeting of the leaders of APEC countries will take place in Vladivostok, 1 – 8 September. To mark the event the Presidential Library has developed a special digital collection including the materials that reflect the relations between the APEC and the Russian Federation which has been a member of the APEC since 1998, as well as the history of international relations in the Pacific Rim.
- The border in the Far East
Russian China. [Ch.] 1. The Beijing Treaty
Buksgewden, Alexey Ottovich. Russian China. Port Arthur: Publication of the book warehouse "New Edge", 1902.
[Ch.] 1: The Peking Treaty. 1902.State policy to strengthen the Far Eastern sea border of the USSR in the 30-ies of XX century
Galaktionov, Egor Nikolaevich.State policy to strengthen the Far Eastern sea border of the USSR in the 30-ies of XX century.Astrakhan 2015.The activities of border agencies for the protection of marine biological resources in the Far East of the USSR
Gantimurov, Igor Pavlovich Activities of border guard agencies for the protection of marine biological resources in the Far East of the USSR.
Khabarovsk, 2011.The case of the Council of Ministers on the proposal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of October 23, 1911 on the establishment of a border between Russia and China at the Manchuria Station of the Sino-East Railway
Russia. Council of Ministers The case of the Council of Ministers on the proposal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of October 23, 1911 on the establishment of a border between Russia and China at the Manchuria Station of the Sino-East Railway.
1910-1911.... The Russian-Chinese question
Kuropatkin, Alexey Nikolaevich (1848-1925). The Russian-Chinese question.
St. Petersburg: type. A.V. Suvorina - "New time", 1913.From the history of Russian-Chinese relations of the XIX century
Mikhailovskaya From the history of Russian-Chinese relations of the XIX century.
Verhneudinsk: [B. and.], 1927.Materials for the military statistical survey of the Amur Military District and Manchuria G. Sh. [Gen. staff] of Colonel Nazarov
Nazarov, Alexander Egorovich (1848-). Materials for the military statistical survey of the Amur Military District and Manchuria G. Sh. [Gen. staff] of Colonel Nazarov. St. Petersburg: Military-Scientist. com. Heads. Staff, 1888.Русско-китайские договоры о границе Амурской области (с. 10-20)
[On the demarcation of the Russian-Chinese state border within the EAO
Joint Russian-Chinese Demarcation Commission. The Russian delegation [On the demarcation of the Russian-Chinese state border within the EAO.
Moscow, July 20, 1998.Развитие приграничного агропромышленного региона в контексте экономической интеграции с сопредельными территориями
Permyakov, Elena.Development of frontier agroindustrial region in the context of economic integration with the neighboring territories.Barnaul 2012.Formation of the Far Eastern border of Russia in the XVIII - first half of XX centuries.
Plotnikov, Alexey Yurievich Formation of the Far Eastern border of Russia in the XVIII-first half of XX centuries. Moscow, 2009.The agreements between Russia and China on conducting and rectifying borders and on border affairs
Russia. Contracts. The agreement between Russia and China on carrying out and rectifying borders and on border affairs. [Petrograd, 1914].Historical note on the Chinese border, compiled by the adviser of the Troitsko-Savsky border board Sychevsky in 1846
Sychevsky, Epifan Ivanovich (about 1800 after 1855). Historical note on the Chinese border, compiled by the adviser of the Troitsko-Savsky border board Sychevsky in 1846.
Moscow: In the University. type., 1875.Participation of the population of the Far East in the protection of the state border
Shakhvorostov, Vitaly Viktorovich Participation of the population of the Far East in the protection of the state border.
Khabarovsk, 2011. - Russia − ASEAN (Association of SouthEast Asian Nations): History and Present Time
- Russia − ASEAN (Association of SouthEast Asian Nations): History and Present Time
Shortly before an upcoming ASEAN − Russia Summit 2016 in Sochi the Presidential Library has prepared a digital collection, which includes the formal and archival documents, books, theses and abstracts of dissertations, and the imagery related to the South-East Asia region as a whole and its individual countries.
- Russia – Countries of Eurasia
- Russia – Azerbaijan: The History of Relations
The collection is dedicated to the main stages of the history of relations between the peoples of Azerbaijan and Russia: these are documents from the modern period of development of diplomatic, trade and cultural ties, evidence and research into the ancient history of Azerbaijan, as well as documents from the 19th-20th centuries, when its territory was part of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union.
- Russia – Armenia: The History of Relations
The history of political and economic relations between Russia and Armenia dates back to the time of Kievan Rus’. During 19th–20th cc. Armenia was a part of the Russian Empire (Erivan Governorate), and later a constituent republic of the USSR (the Armenian SSR). The year 1992 marked the beginning of a new stage – diplomatic relations. The collection features official documents, studies, reference books, archival papers and visual materials, which cast light on diplomatic, military, legal, educational, cultural etc. cooperation between Armenia and Russia.
- Russia – Belarus: the History of Relations
The collection is dedicated to the history of relations between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, which are inextricably linked by common trials and common victories, united by the task of preserving historical memory in order to preserve sovereign statehood and the uniqueness of national cultures. The collection includes official documents, research, archival evidence, cartographic and visual materials that reflect the political, legal, military, socio-economic and cultural aspects of Russian-Belarusian cooperation.
- Russia – Vietnam: the History of Relations
The collection includes publications on the history of the Vietnamese people, the work of Russian and Vietnamese researchers, revealing the internal and external economic development of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, as well as documents highlighting certain aspects of Russian-Vietnamese relations.
- Russia – India: the History of Relations
The collection of land surveys, travelers' notes, historical research, dictionaries, archival and visual materials spotlight the history of India from ancient times to the present day, as well as the history of Russian-Indian state, economic and cultural relations throughout the 19th-21st centuries.
- Russia – Iran: the Presidential Library’s collections
The collection features studies, archival records and visual materials, which give an insight into certain aspects of relations between Russia and Iran during different historical periods.
- Russia – Kazakhstan: the History of Relations
Kazakhstan is one of the largest countries in Asia, located at the crossroads of the Eurasian continent. The featured statistical materials, studies, essays, archival documents, photographs and newsreels reveal the geography, ethnography, economics, cultural development, and administrative-territorial division of Kazakhstan in the 15th - early 21st centuries, including the period of its being part of the Russian state.
- Russia – Kyrgyzstan: The History of Relations
The collection contains studies, essays, archival and visual materials dating from the 19th c. and early 20th c., which spotlight the geography, economy, political and cultural life of Kyrgyzstan as part of the Russian state, as well as the relations between the independent Kyrgyz Republic and the Russian Federation in the 21st century.
- Russia — China: the history of relations
The collection contains digital copies of documents of various types (book editions, archival, graphic, cartographic materials), reflecting the history of relations of Russia with its most important partner in the Far East — China. The collected documents let us look at these relations through the prism of diplomatic affairs, economic, scientific and cultural cooperation for several centuries.
- Russia – Moldova: to the history of relationship
The presented statistical materials, researches, essays, archival documents and newsreel fragments of the early 19th - mid 20th century reveal the geography, military history, administrative-territorial structure, legal system and ethnography of Moldavia – Bessarabia in the period when it was a part of the same state as Russia.
- Russia – Mongolia: from the history of relations
The collection includes studies, sketches, archival and other materials reflecting some aspects of life in Mongolia, as well as the history of diplomatic, military and economic relations between Russia and Mongolia in the period of the 13th – 21st centuries.
- Russia - Serbia: from the history of relationship
The set of books and archival documents tells the history of Serbia since ancient times, and also reflects the relations between Serbia and Russia in military, economic and cultural spheres.
- Russia – Tajikistan: the History of Relations
The collection covers a significant period of relations between Tajikistan and Russia, from the 1860s, when its territory became part of the Russian Empire as Turkestan Governorate (Krai), to the present. At the beginning of the 20th century, the ASSR was formed first as part of the RSFSR, and then the Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic – as part of the USSR. The collection features the constitution of Tajikistan, statute books, administrative and territorial reference books, research studies on geography and ethnography, notes of Russian travelers and materials of Soviet expeditions of the late 19th-20th centuries, as well as cartographic and visual materials.
- Russia – Turkmenistan: the History of Relations
The collection covers a significant period of relations between Turkmenistan and Russia, starting from the second half of the 19th century, when the Khanates of Kokand and Khiva, as well as the Emirate of Bukhara recognized the protectorate of the Russian Empire, and the Turkestan Governorate (Krai) was formed, to the present day. The materials of the collection illustrate the beneficial impact of the inclusion of these territories into Russia – the opening of primary schools, gymnasiums and women’s schools, the development of agriculture and industry, cultural construction. In 1918, the Turkestan ASSR was proclaimed as part of the RSFSR, and then, in 1924, the Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic – as part of the USSR. The collection features official documents – the constitution of Turkmenistan, statute books, agreements and treaties between our countries, research materials, archival documents, reviews of expeditions to Transcaspia, ethnographic essays, cartographic and visual materials.
- Russia – Uzbekistan: the History of Relations
Uzbekistan - a country with a rich historical and cultural past. The selected research works, essays, archival documents and photo materials disclose the geography, history of administrative structure, cultural and economical development of certain cities and regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan, mostly during the time they were part of the Russian Empire.
- Cooperation of Continents
- Russia – Africa: the History of Relations
The collection is dedicated to the relations between Russia and African countries, which are based on long-term fruitful political, economic and cultural ties. It contains research studies, archival documents, visual and cartographic materials reflecting the relations between Russia and African countries from the 19th century to the end of the 20th century.
- Russia – Egypt: the history of relations
The collection features reference materials, old land descriptions, scientific researches, travel essays, archival materials and modern official documents on geography and history of Egypt and the specifics of Russia-Egypt state, economic and cultural relations from the XVIII century until present day.
- Russia – Singapore: The History of Relations
The collection includes official documents, studies, archival and reference materials, which spotlight the geographical position of Singapore and give an insight into certain aspects of relations between Russia and Singapore in different historical periods.
Какие делались предложения об изменении русско-китайской границы. Направление границы Хан-Тенгри – Владивосток (с. 178-196)