State Authority
The state authority is one of the major elements of the state organization, therefore the issues related to formation, development and modern state of the system of authority in our state are prior subject areas of the Presidential Library.
For the 1st September 2011 the Presidential Library has developed an electronic collection featuring official and archival documents, official, scientific, popular science and educational editions, analytic materials, photo and newsreel, audio and video records, documentaries. The materials describe the particularities of the Russian state authority in different historical periods, legal basis for is activities and modern trends of development.
The core of the collection represent digital copies of published and unpublished official documents, as well as materials treating with development of particular branches and public authorities, and with life and work of certain statesmen. Especially highlighted are the documents revealing the implementation of the idea of e-government.
The documents are grouped by subject sections with brief annotations revealing their content. Every section starts with materials of general character, other documents are presented in accordance with the logic of the section – in alphabetic order, by geographic names or direct chronology of the events described. Descriptions of the documents, whose full texts are available only in the Electronic Reading Room of the Presidential Library due to limits of legal nature, are accompanied with the relevant information.
On the Day of Knowledge visitors of the Electronic Reading Rooms and Internet portal of the library will have access to the part of the collection already available which is going to be subsequently developed.
The collection brings together the materials from the Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation Archive; the Library of Congress; the Library for Natural Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences; M. Gorky Regional Universal Scientific Library, Vladimir; the State Archive of Tobolsk; the State Archive of the Russian Federation; the State Archive of Tyumen Region; the State Public Historical Library; the Scientific Information Institute – the Far East State University’s Fundamental Library; I. I. Molchanov-Sibirsky Regional State Universal Scientific Library, Irkutsk; the National Library of the Republic of Karelia; the National Library of Komi Republic; A.S. Pushkin State Regional Scientific Library, Omsk; M. Yu. Lermontov Regional Library, Penza; the Russian State Documentary Film and Photo Archive; the Russian State Historical Archive; the Russian State Library; the National Library of Russia; A. M. Gorky Regional Universal Scientific Library, Tver; Tyumen State Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve; D. I. Mendeleev Regional Scientific Library, Tyumen; the Federal Protective Service of the Russian Federation; the Center for Information Technologies and Systems of Executive Bodies; the Central State Documentary Film and Photo Archive of St. Petersburg; the Central Naval Library and other organizations.
- Legislation of the Russian Federation
- Legislation of the Russian Federation
- History of the state authority in Russia
- State authority in Russia in 9th – early 20th cc.
- State authority and administration in the USSR
- State authority in the Russian Federation
- Institute of Presidency in Russia
The collection includes legislative acts, studies, manuals, video records, texts of addresses, and other materials related to the activities of the President of the Russian Federation and the bodies ensuring his work.
- Internet resources
- Basic laws. Documents of government authority
- Symbols of the state authority. State authority and administration. Government bodies