The first All-Russian Women Congress opened

23 December 1908

10 (23) December, 1908 in Alexander Hall of the city council, St. Petersburg, opened the first All-Russian Women Congress attended by over 1000 delegates, representatives of different nations of Russia.

The idea to convene the congress belonged to the oldest Women Union in Russia – Russian Women Charitable Society. The authorization to hold the congress was given by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The Congress was attended by women political elite of Russia. Socialist revolutionary were represented by M. A. Spiridonova, Social Democrats – by A. M. Kollontai, Cadets – by A. V. Tyrkova.

Organizing committee of the Congress was headed by the Chair of the Russian Women Charitable Society A. N. Shabanova; vice-chairs were the founder of the Russian Women Movement A. P. Filosofova and writer O. A. Shapir. The organizational committee consisted of the famous activists of the movement: teacher, executive secretary of the “Union of women equality", editor and publisher of the magazine " Women Union" M. A. Chekhova; doctor, founder and chair of the Women Progressive Party, publisher of the magazine "Women Journal” M. I. Pokrovskaya; writer, social activist, E. A. Chebysheva-Dmitrieva.

According to Shabanova: "The most important objective of the Congress was to awaken the consciousness of women, fight against prejudice, once established for a woman her subordinate position in the family and state and joining forces to work together.

The work of the Congress was carried out in four areas: "Activities of Russian women in various walks of life, “The economic situation of women and ethics in family and society”, “Political and civil status of women”, “Women education in Russia and abroad”.

At the congress were heard many greetings from Russian and foreign women's organizations, the Duma factions, parties, unions. Over twenty resolutions, proposed by workers, relating to the protection of women in industry, insurance of workers, motherhood and childhood protection, were approved. These resolutions oriented an active part of the female community of the country to work in the same field.

The general resolution, adopted by the congress, stated: "The work of the First All-Russian Women's Congress, which has feasibly thrown light upon civil and political demands as well as economic needs of the modern Russian women, made the Congress strongly believe that the satisfaction of these requests is only possible with the equal participation of women along with other citizens not only in cultural work, but also in political construction of the country. Women's access to participation in political life will finally be possible only when a democratic system is established, based on universal suffrage without distinction of sex, religion or nationality".

In the evening of 16 (29) December, 1908 the Congress closed in a solemn ceremony.

Effect of the First All-Russian Women's Congress was significant: it enhanced the expansion of women’s world outlook, defined the level of capacity, organizational abilities, experience gained by women's organizations. It opened to the public the very existence of the women's movement, demonstrated its democratic essence, endorsed the idea of women's ability to solve their problems themselves.

The second All-Russian Women's Congress took place only 100 years later, on November 28-29, 2008 in Moscow, and has gathered more than 1,100 women from different cities of Russia.

Lit.: Айвазова С. Г. Русские женщины в лабиринте равноправия. М., 1998; То же [Электронный ресурс]. URL:; Павлова-Сильванская М. П. Женское движение в России и СССР // Большая советская энциклопедия. М., 1972. Т. 9; Труды 1-го Всероссийского женского съезда при Русском женском обществе в С.-Петербурге 10-16 декабря 1908 года. СПб., 1909; Юкина И. И. Первый всероссийский женский съезд // Вы и Мы. Диалог женщин. М., 1998. № 6. С. 13-16.

Based on the Presidential Library’s materials:

Лихачёва Е. О. Материалы для истории женского образования в России. (1086-1796). СПб., 1890;

Лихачёва Е. О. Материалы для истории женского образования в России. (1796-1828). СПб., 1893;

Лихачёва Е. О. Материалы для истории женского образования в России. (1828-1856). СПб., 1895;

Лихачёва Е. О. Материалы для истории женского образования в России. (1086-1856). СПб., 1899;

Лихачёва Е. О. Материалы для истории женского образования в России. (1856-1880). СПб., 1901.