A trip to the Ussuri region. 1867-1869

Przhevalsky, Nikolay Mikhailovich (1839-1888).    
A trip to the Ussuri region. 1867-1869: from the maps. Ussuri region / the composition of N. Przhevalsky, d. Rus. geogr. Islands. - St. Petersburg: ed. Authors., 1870. -369 p. Sec. pag., [1] l. kart. ; 22 cm. -
A copy of the Moscow OGNB is defective: there is no cover page and cover.
1. Territory (collection). 2. Ussuriyskiy kray - Description and travel of the Russian - 19 in ..
BBC 63.3 (285.5) 52
An electronic copy source: PB
The place where the original was stored: Moscow OGNB
Publisher изд. авт.
Catalogue object