Far Eastern Federal District
- Amur Region
The collection features official and archival documents, research papers, reference and statistical publications, cartographic and visual materials that reveal the history of the exploration of Amur Region and individual aspects of the development of the region from the XVII until the early XXI century.
- Jewish Autonomous Region
The collection features official documents, research papers, essays, photographs and other materials, defining the geographic, socio-economic, socio-political and cultural aspects of the history of the formation of Jewish Autonomous Region in the 1920s-1930s and its development in the early XXI century.
- Trans-Baikal Territory
The collection features official and archival documents, studies, essays, reports, statistical data and other materials dealing with the history, geography, economics, financial policy, demography, education and cultural development of Trans-Baikal Territory in the 19th and early 21st centuries.
- Kamchatka Territory
The collection features official documents, archival materials, travel essays, research papers, geographical and historical descriptions, newsreel fragments and visual materials that tell about the exploration of one of the most remote Russian regions – Kamchatka in the XVIII – early XX century, about the defence of Petropavlovsk in 1854, as well as the current development of the region.
- Magadan Region
The collection features official documents, research papers, archival, statistical, cartographic and visual materials that reflect the geographical, socio-economic and political aspects of the history of Magadan Region of the XVIII-XX centuries and its current state.
- Primorye Territory
The collection features official and archival documents, research papers, essays, statistical, cartographic and visual materials that spotlight the geographical, demographic, socio-economic and socio-political aspects of the history of Primorye Territory and its current state.
- Sakhalin Region
The collection features geographical descriptions, travel essays, archival and visual materials of the middle XIX – XX centuries that cover the history of the exploration of Sakhalin Region, as well as official documents of the XXI century, revealing the prospects for the development of the region.
- Khabarovsk Region
The collection features official documents, research papers, archival, cartographic and visual materials that tell about the exploration of Khabarovsk Territory, its economic, socio-political and cultural development from the middle of the XIX century to the present day.
- Chukotka Autonomous Area
The collection features research papers, essays, periodicals and visual materials that tell about the discovery, exploration and development of Chukotka, about the culture and lifestyle of its native population, as well as archival and contemporary official documents that reveal individual aspects of the state policy of Russia in the region.
- Republic of Buryatia
The collection features research studies, essays, documents, statistical publications of the XIX–XXI centuries, archival and cartographic materials of the XVIII–XX centuries, and contemporary legislative acts that reveal demographic, ethnographic, socio-political and socio-economic aspects of the history of Buryatia and the Buryat people, including the period of the Buryat-Mongol ASSR and modern Republic of Buryatia as part of the Russian Federation.
- Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
The selection of researches, essays, reference and archival materials reveals the history of development of the modern territory of the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic, the largest constituent territory of the Russian Federation, and certain aspects of development of the region in the 18th – mid 20th century. There is also the current Constitution of the Republic.