Statistical note on Moscow
Androsov, Vasily Petrovich (1803-1841).
Statistical note on Moscow.
Moscow: To the type. The seeds of Selivanovsky, 1832.
Moscow: To the type. The seeds of Selivanovsky, 1832.
- Population (demography, migration)
The index of Moscow ,. Part 2
The index of Moscow ,. Part 2. Moscow: Univ. type., in V. Okorokov, 1793. 1793.Proceedings of the Moscow City Statistical Department. Issue. 1. Vedomosti about the death rate in Moscow for 1879
Moscow City Statistics Department Proceedings of the Moscow City Statistical Department. Vedomosti about the death rate in Moscow for 1879. Books on Moscow: Izd. Moscow. mountains. thoughts, 1881-1882. 1882.Mortality in Moscow .... ... for the year 1883
Ostroglazov, Vasily Mikhailovich (1835-1907). Mortality in Moscow .... ... for 1883.
Moscow: University Printing House (M. Katkov), 1880-1893.1884.Mortality in Moscow .... ... for 1887
Ostroglazov, Vasily Mikhailovich (1835-1907). Mortality in Moscow .... ... for 1887. Moscow: At the University Printing Office (M. Katkov), 1880-1893.1888.Mortality in Moscow .... ... for 1890
Ostroglazov, Vasily Mikhailovich (1835-1907). Mortality in Moscow .... ... for 1890. Moscow: At the University Printing Office (M. Katkov), 1880-1893.1891.Mortality in Moscow .... ... for the year 1891
Ostroglazov, Vasily Mikhailovich (1835-1907). Mortality in Moscow .... ... for 1891. Moscow: At the University Printing Office (M. Katkov), 1880-1893.1892. - Censuses
Census books of Moscow in 1665-76.
Census books of the city of Moscow in 1665-76 .. Moscow: Gor. type., 1886.One-day census in Moscow
Bogdanov, Mikhail Yegorovich A one-day census in Moscow.
M .: [Type. M. Schepkin, 188 -].The first general census of the Russian Empire in 1897. 24. City of Moscow
The first general census of the Russian Empire in 1897. 24: Moscow. tetras. 1.
[St. Petersburg]: publication of the Central Statistical Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 1899-1905. 1901.The First General Census of the Russian Empire in 1897 .. City of Moscow
First General Census of the Russian Empire in 1897. City of Moscow. tetras. 2 and the last.
[St. Petersburg]: publication of the Central Statistical Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 1899-1905. 1904. - Society
- Social structure
Young beggars and vagabonds in Moscow
Bakhrushin, Sergei Vladimirovich (1882-1950). Juvenile beggars and vagabonds in Moscow.
Moscow: Hor. type., 1913.At the dawn of the labor movement in Moscow
At the dawn of the working-class movement in Moscow.
Moscow: Publication of the All-Union Society of Political Captives and Exiles-Settlers, 1932.
- Social Activity
Statement of the Germans living in Moscow, about their accession to the "Union of October 17"
The Union of October 17.
Statement of Germans living in Moscow, about their joining the "Union of October 17".Seven days of revolution! Events in Moscow
Morozov, Nikolai Alexandrovich (scientist-encyclopaedist, writer, 1854-1946). Seven days of revolution! Events in Moscow. Moscow: printing house "Printing Work", 1917.1917 in Moscow
1917 in Moscow. [Moscow]: The Moscow Worker, 1934.Militia on the protection of Moscow
Militia on the defense of Moscow. Moscow: Moscow. Worker, 1978.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахStudent self-government in Moscow universities
Babaeva, Elena Vyacheslavovna (candidate of historical sciences). Student self-government in high schools of Moscow. Moscow, 2013.- Public organizations
About the Russian Noble Assembly in Moscow
Gorchakov, Nikolai Dmitrievich (1788-1847). About the Russian noble assembly in Moscow.
Moscow: Type. S. Selivanovsky, 1843.
- Religion
Materials on Moscow and Moscow diocese for the XVIII century. Issue. 1
Skvortsov, Nikolay Alekseevich (1861-1917). Materials on Moscow and Moscow diocese for the XVIII century. Issue. 1. Moscow: Synod. type., 1911-1914. 1911.Materials on Moscow and Moscow diocese for the XVIII century. Issue. 2
Skvortsov, Nikolay Alekseevich (? -1917). Materials on Moscow and Moscow diocese for the XVIII century. Issue. 2. Moscow: History and Antiquities in the East. at Moscow. un-te, 1911-1914. 1914.Novospassky stauropegic monastery in Moscow
Snegirev, Ivan Mikhailovich, (1793-1868). Novospassky stauropegial monastery in Moscow.
Moscow: the type. Bakhmetieva, 1863.The Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow
Tikhomirov, EA (teacher, historian, 19th century). The Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow. Moscow: printing house L. Gatsuka, 1882.About the altars of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow
About altars of the Rogozhsky cemetery in Moscow. [Saint Petersburg: Type. Department of the Units, 1880].Religious processions in Moscow
Religious processions in Moscow.
Spb .: Type. Khan, 1886.Festive services and church celebrations in old Moscow
Georgievsky, Grigory Petrovich (1866-1948). Festive services and church celebrations in old Moscow. St. Petersburg: Tipo-lit. M.P. Frolova, 1902.Easter holiday in the daily life of St. Petersburg and Moscow in the late XIX-early XX century
Rogozhina, Natalia Dmitrievna Easter holiday in the daily life of St. Petersburg and Moscow in the late XIX-early XX century. Moscow, 2009. - Science and Education
About the German schools in Moscow in the first quarter of the XVIII century.
About German schools in Moscow in the first quarter of the XVIII century. Moscow: the publication of the Imperial Society of Russian History and Antiquities at Moscow University, 1907.The history of the Moscow Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy
Smirnov, Sergei Konstantinovich (1818-1889). The history of the Moscow Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy.
Moscow: in the Type. V. Gauthier, 1855.Charter of the Society for Assistance to Women in Moscow
Moscow Society for the Assistance of Female Students Charter of the Society for the Assistance of Students to Women in Moscow.
Moscow: Type. V.M. Sablin, 1915.Department of People's Enlightenment of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment (1803-1917).Foundation Department of Folk Enlightenment.Lists of students who graduated from the gymnasium of the Moscow academic district in 1855 - 1856
Department of People's Enlightenment of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment (1803-1917).Russia.Ministry of Folk Enlightenment.Department of Folk Enlightenment.Lists of students who graduated from the gymnasium of the Moscow academic district in 1855 - 1856.1857. - Medicine and Healthcare
Description of the pestilence, which was in the Moscow city of Moscow from 1770 to 1772,
Shafonsky, Afanasy Filimonovich (1740-1811). Description of the pestilence, which was in the Moscow city of Moscow from 1770 to 1772 ,. Moscow: Under the Imp. un-te, 1775.The Case of the cholera disease in Moscow
Directorate of the Imperial Theaters Midway.The Case of the cholera disease in Moscow.1847. 10 p.
The thing about sending students of Moscow State University in Moscow hospital in connection with the spread of the cholera epidemic
Public Education Department of the Ministry of Education.The thing about sending students of Moscow State University in Moscow hospital in connection with the spread of the cholera epidemic.1847. 12 p.
Department of Public Education of the Ministry of National Education (1803-1917). Fund Department of Public Education. The case against the Minister of the Interior, on the delivery of an opinion on the awarding of officials and other title of persons for their labors
Department of Public Education of the Ministry of National Education (1803-1917).
Russia. Ministry of Education. Department of Public Education. The case against the Minister of the Interior, on the delivery of an opinion on the rewarding of officials and other title of persons for the efforts to stop cholera in Moscow. 1848.1848. 21 p.
Uspensky, Victor Petrovich (doctor of medicine, 1869-). Moscow. Moscow: edition of the Moscow City Council, 1911. - Culture
Bylin about the Tsar Ivan the Terrible and about Prince Trifon Patrikeev. Legend of how the church of St. Great Martyr Trifon in Moscow
Lukyanovsky, Alexander Grigorievich Bylin about the Tsar Ivan the Terrible and about Prince Trifon Patrikeev. Legend of how the church of St. the Great Martyr Trifon in Moscow.
M .: Type. L. and A. Snegirev, 1887.The Case of the statement in Moscow comedy "Woe from Wit"
Directorate of the Imperial Theaters Midway.The Case of the statement in Moscow comedy "Woe from Wit".1864. 17 p.
The Case of the representations in Moscow comedy "Woe from Wit"
Directorate of the Imperial Theaters Midway.The Case of the representations in Moscow comedy "Woe from Wit".1863. 17 p.
Griboyedov Moscow
Gershenzon, Mikhail Osipovich (1869-1925).Griboyedov Moscow.Moscow: Moscow and S.Sabashnikovs 1914.The thing about the building of the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow (with two planes)
Directorate of the Imperial Theaters Midway.The thing about the building of the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow (with two planes).1853. 171 p.
The mansion of the merchant Nosov // Russian reporter. 2015, No. 5 (381) (January 5-19)
Russian reporter. Film Shlykov, Alexey. The mansion of the merchant Nosov.The Presidential Library will open a reading room in Moscow
The Presidential Library will open a reading room in Moscow.
St. Petersburg: Presidential Library named after. Boris N. Yeltsin, 2010.- Tourism, sport
Hospitality in pre-revolutionary Moscow
Degtyarev, Stanislav Olegovich. Hospitality in pre-revolutionary Moscow. Moscow, 2015. - Everyday life
Moscow and Muscovites
Gilyarovsky, Vladimir Alekseevich (1853-1935). Moscow and the Muscovites. Moscow: All-Russian Union of Poets, 1926.
Households (scans 37–60)
Population (scans 60–76)
Mortality (scans 77–99)
Birth Rate (scans 100–107)
Religion (scans 121–128)
Education (scans 129–139)
Public Charity (scans 140–154)
Theatre (scans 155–158)