Ulozheniye Commissions
Ulozheniye Commissions
Guest book of the State Council. The Mariinsky Palace. 1913-1917
Collection: The guestbook of the State Council. The Mariinsky Palace. 1913-1917 (1917)
ФГУ Российский Государственный Исторический Архив
Historical note on the Council in the reign of Empress Catherine II
Chistovich, Illarion Alekseevich (1828-1893).
Historical note on the Council in the reign of Empress Catherine II.
St. Petersburg: type. Second branch of own. e. and. at. office, 1870.
St. Petersburg: type. Second branch of own. e. and. at. office, 1870.
The history of the formation of the State Council in Russia
Danevsky, Pi Nikodimovich (1820-1892).
The history of the formation of the State Council in Russia.
St. Petersburg: in the type. 2 Depths of Own. e. and. at. office, 1859.
St. Petersburg: in the type. 2 Depths of Own. e. and. at. office, 1859.
The Oath of the Members of the State Council.
The book of the Oath of the members of the State Council.1810 - 1917.
Российский государственный исторический архив
Register of the highest orders for 1810, 1813-1815. Delipr. No. 251. Part 3
Russia. Law drafting commission
Register of the highest orders for 1810, 1813-1815. Delipr. No. 251. Part 3. 1810-1815.
ФГУ Российский Государственный Исторический Архив
Register of the highest orders announced to individuals in 1856-1902.
Russia. The Emperor. Register of the highest orders announced to individuals in 1856-1902 gg.1856-1902.
ФГУ Российский Государственный Исторический Архив
The register of the highest decrees to the State Council for 1845-1902.
Russia. The Emperor. Register of the highest decrees to the State Council for 1845-1902 gg.1845-1902.
ФГУ Российский Государственный Исторический Архив
Archive of the State Council. T. 2. Council in the reign of Emperor Paul I (1796-1801 gg.)
Russia. State CouncilArchive
Archive of the State Council. Council in the reign of Emperor Paul I (1796-1801 gg.).
St. Petersburg: in the type. Second Depth of Own EI V. Chancery, 1869-. 1888.
St. Petersburg: in the type. Second Depth of Own EI V. Chancery, 1869-. 1888.
Archive of the State Council. T. 1. Council in the reign of Empress Catherine II (1768-1796 gg.)
Russia. State CouncilArchive
Archive of the State Council. Council in the reign of the Empress Catherine II (1768-1796 gg.). Part 1, Department of History.
St. Petersburg: in the type. Second Depth of Own EI V. Chancery, 1869-. 1869.
St. Petersburg: in the type. Second Depth of Own EI V. Chancery, 1869-. 1869.
The State Council in Russia in the first century of its formation and activity (March 30, 1801 - 1901)
Shcheglov, Vladimir Georgievich (1854-).
The State Council in Russia in the first century of its formation and activity (March 30, 1801 - 1901).
Yaroslavl, 1903.
Yaroslavl, 1903.