Legislative acts of Catherine II
Legislative acts of Catherine II
The decrees of the most celebrated, most powerful, great empress of the empress, Catherine Alekseevna, the autocrats of the All-Russia, held from January to 1763
Russia. The Empress (1762-1796, Catherine II)
The decrees of the most celebrated, most powerful, great empress of the empress, Catherine Alekseevna, the autocrats of the All-Russia, held from January to 1763 in the genealogy.
St. Petersburg: Under the Senate, 1764.
St. Petersburg: Under the Senate, 1764.
The decrees of the most celebrated, most powerful, great empress of the Empress Catherine Alexeyevna are the autocrats of the All-
Russia. The Empress (1762-1796, Catherine II)
Decrees of the most celebrated, most powerful, great empress of the Empress Catherine Alekseevna are the autocrats of the All-Russian,.
In St. Petersburg: under the Senate, 1767.
In St. Petersburg: under the Senate, 1767.
Decrees of all the most outstanding sovereignty of the Grand Empress Empress Ekaterina Alekseyevna are the autocrats of the All-Russian,
Russia. The Empress (1762-1796, Catherine II).
The decrees of all the most outstanding sovereignty of the Grand Empress Empress Ekaterina Alekseyevna are the autocrats of the All-Russian,.
In St. Petersburg: Under the Senate, 1778.
In St. Petersburg: Under the Senate, 1778.
Decrees of all the most outstanding sovereignty of the Grand Empress Empress Ekaterina Alekseyevna are the autocrats of the All-Russian,
Russia. The Empress (1762-1796, Catherine II).
The decrees of all the most outstanding sovereignty of the Grand Empress Empress Ekaterina Alekseyevna are the autocrats of the All-Russian,.
In St. Petersburg: Under the Senate, 1778.
In St. Petersburg: Under the Senate, 1778.
Decrees of all the most outstanding sovereignty of the Grand Duchess Empress Catherine Alexeevna are the autocrats of all Russia, held from 1765 July 1 st Gennevary to the 1st number of 1766
Russia. The Empress ((1762-1796, Catherine II)). The decrees of the most distinguished lady of the great empress Ekaterina Alekseevna are all-Russian autocrats, held from 1765 July 1 st of January to the 1st of 1766. St. Petersburg: Under the Senate, 1779.
The decrees of the most distinguished lady of the great Empress Ekaterina Alexeevna, the autocrats of the All-Russian,
Russia. The Empress (1762-1796, Catherine II).
The decrees of the most distinguished lady of the great Empress Ekaterina Alekseyevna, the autocrats of the All-Russian ,.
Moscow: In the Senate Printing House, [c. 1793].
Moscow: In the Senate Printing House, [c. 1793].
Decrees of all the most outstanding sovereignty of the Grand Empress Empress Ekaterina Alekseyevna are the autocrats of the All-Russian,
Russia. The Empress (1762-1796, Catherine II).
The decrees of all the most outstanding sovereignty of the Grand Empress Empress Ekaterina Alekseyevna are the autocrats of the All-Russian,.
In St. Petersburg: Under the Senate, 1780.
In St. Petersburg: Under the Senate, 1780.
The decrees of the most distinguished lady of the great empress Ekaterina Alekseyevna are all-Russian autocrats, held on the 1st of July to the 1st of January 1767
Russia. The Empress (1762-1796, Catherine II). Decrees of the most distinguished lady of the great empress Ekaterina Alexeevna are all-Russian autocrats, held in the general public from July 1 to the 1st of 1767. In St. Petersburg: Under the Senate, 1781.
Decrees of all the most outstanding sovereignty of the Grand Empress Empress Ekaterina Alekseyevna are the autocrats of the All-Russian,
Russia. The Empress (1762-1796, Catherine II).
The decrees of all the most outstanding sovereignty of the Grand Empress Empress Ekaterina Alekseyevna are the autocrats of the All-Russian,.
In St. Petersburg: With the Senate, 1783.
In St. Petersburg: With the Senate, 1783.
Decrees of the most outstanding and most empowered Grand Duchess Empress Catherine Alekseyevna are the autocrats of the All-
Russia. The Empress (1762-1796, Catherine II). Decrees of the most outstanding and most empowered empress of the empress Catherine Alekseyevna are all-Russian autocrats. St. Petersburg: Under the Senate, 1786.
- Commission for drafting a new code
The commission's mandate to compose a draft of a new code, with applications belonging to it
Russia. The Empress (1762-1796, Catherine II). Order of the Commission on the drafting of a new draft of the code, with applications belonging to it. [Moscow: Printed at the Senate, 1767].The commission's mandate, the drafting of a new draft
Russia. The Empress (1762-1796, Catherine II). Order of the Commission, on the drafting of a new code.
[Sankt Petersburg]: [Pec. under the Senate], [1768].The decree of her Imperial Majesty Catherine the Second, the autocrats of the All-Russian Commission on the drafting of a new draft
Russia. The Empress (1762-1796, Catherine II). The decree of her Imperial Majesty Catherine the Second is the autocrats of the All-Russian Commission on the drafting of a new code.
St. Petersburg: Under the Imp. Acad. Sciences, 1770.The decree of her Imperial Majesty Catherine II of the established Commission on the drafting of a new code
Russia. The Empress (1762-1796, Catherine II). The decree of Her Imperial Majesty Catherine II of the established Commission on the drafting of a new code.
[Sankt Petersburg]: [Type. Acad. Sciences], [1771].- ______
Historical information about the Catherine Commission for the drafting of a new code. Part 1
Polenov, Dmitry Vasilyevich (1806-1878). Historical information about the Catherine Commission for the drafting of a new code. Part 1. St.Petersburg: printing house of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1869-1875.1869.Historical information about the Catherine Commission for the drafting of a new code. Part 2
Polenov, Dmitry Vasilyevich (1806-1878). Historical information about the Catherine Commission for the drafting of a new code. Part 2. St.Petersburg: printing house of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1869-1875.1871.Historical information about the Catherine Commission for the drafting of a new code. Part 3
Polenov, Dmitry Vasilyevich (1806-1878). Historical information about the Catherine Commission for the drafting of a new code. Part 3. St.Petersburg: printing house of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1869-1875.1875.