General section
General section
Representatives of power in Russia after Peter I
Andreev, Vasily Vasilyevich
Representatives of power in Russia after Peter I.
Petersburg: type. M. Khan, 1871.
Petersburg: type. M. Khan, 1871.
Around the throne
Valishevsky, Kazimir Feliksovich (1849-1935). Around the throne. Moscow: the publishing house "Education", 1909.
Культурно-исторический фонд "Связь времен". Музей Фаберже
Russian history. Part 8. From the death of Peter the First, that is, from 1725 to the middle of 1762
Glinka, Sergei Nikolaevich (1776-1847).
Russian history. From the death of Peter the First, that is, from 1725 to the middle of 1762.
Moscow: At the University Printing House, 1823 - 1825. 1823.
Moscow: At the University Printing House, 1823 - 1825. 1823.
Russian history in the biographies of its most important figures. Book. 2. Dominion of the Romanov dynasty before the accession to the throne of Catherine II, the 17th century
Kostomarov, Nikolay Ivanovich (1817-1885). Russian history in the biographies of its most important figures. St. Petersburg: Lit. Fund, 1912.
The book. 2: Dominance of the House of Romanov before the accession to the throne of Catherine II, the 17th century. 1912.
The book. 2: Dominance of the House of Romanov before the accession to the throne of Catherine II, the 17th century. 1912.