“The Arctic. Space on Earth" film to be screened at the Presidential Library’s cinema club meeting

28 February 2020

On February 28 at 12:00, a regular cinema club meeting held as part of “The Arctic Day at the Presidential Library” will show “The Arctic. Space on Earth” film (2018) by director and cameraman Nikita Kolesov. It was filmed by the NSU LIFE video channel of the Novosibirsk State University.

There are places on Earth where man is a guest, and not the king of nature. Everyone who goes to the pole of the cold seems to go out into outer space. Here, an unusual nature, an unusual climate, and the living conditions are completely different...

In the summer of 2017, geologists from the Novosibirsk State University went on an expedition to the islands of the Franz Josef Land archipelago together with the Arctic Floating University. The project was organized by the Lomonosov Northern (Arctic) Federal University. Scientists and students from Switzerland, Sweden, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Cuba and, of course, Russia joined it. Three weeks, researchers from various fields: biologists, soil scientists, geologists, oceanologists, ecologists, economists and many others sailed on a ship, studying the Franz Josef Land archipelago.  

“Nikita Kolesov himself made a video and took short interviews. Since the ship is very noisy and the work is very intense during the landings, it was impossible to record extended interviews. The Novosibirsk expedition made interviews after returning to the studio. The whole team worked on the film, we made it for about 8 months”, - said Lilia Styazhkina, editor of the university's NSU LIFE video channel.

According to the director, "the whole film was shot in a certain mood - with love for these places that have some kind of magnetic calm".

One of the heroes of the film, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, professor of NSU Dmitry Metelkin shares his perception of the “white continent”: “It is difficult to convey joy, admiration for what you saw, what you had wanted for a long time. It’s like in childhood: you want a bicycle, today it is not there, tomorrow is not there, there is no birthday, and then again - and it appeared”.

The film clearly and convincingly reveals in what difficult conditions the study of the Arctic lands takes place, why this is done and why the Arctic is a place where you always want to return.

The editor of the university video channel NSU LIFE Lilia Styazhkina noted: “Cinema transfers the energy of work, science, search. It shows the harsh Arctic terrain and how geologists work in difficult conditions, how they cope with climate difficulties. The film focuses on scientific research, thus enlightens. Such films charge students with activities, and this is one of the main tasks of the film”.

We invite you to participate in the event, ask questions or share your opinion on the results of the cinema club meeting. We look forward to an interesting, informative dialogue. Please note that the event will be broadcasted live on the library’s portal in Live broadcasts section, in the official group on the VKontakte social network and on the institution’s YouTube channel.

The cinema club meeting will take place in the multimedia hall of the Presidential Library at Senate Square, 3. Please confirm your personal presence by phone: 305-16-35; 8 (921) 594-16-13 or by e-mail: smolina@prlib.ru, Elena Viktorovna Smolina.


Accreditation of media representatives is until 11:00, February 27, 2020

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