Films about the Great Patriotic War available online on the Presidential Library’s portal

22–26 June 2020

The Presidential Library’s portal from Monday to Friday in Live broadcasts section provides broadcasting of films, video lectures and tours prepared by the Presidential Library, as well as by leading film studios of the country.

In accordance with the broadcast program, on June 22, on the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow, the film “Moscow-Berlin. Tomorrow is War” will provide an opportunity to feel the pre-war atmosphere that reigned in the USSR and Germany, which were one step away from the largest disaster of the 20th century.

The film "Letters from the Front" features family stories, photographs and letters of participants in the Great Patriotic War. The multimedia pages were voiced by students of the M-Art school of young professionals as part of the St. Petersburg State Educational-Educational Establishment of Higher Education, Center for Creative Development and Humanitarian Education of Children "On Vasilievsky".

The video film “Victory is one to everyone” spotlights the invaluable contribution to the victory in the Great Patriotic War of all socialist republics, about the united struggle of the Soviet people against fascism; the film shows photographs of monuments, military memorial cemeteries, obelisks dedicated to the Great Victory.

The video lectures that will be shown online on the Presidential Library’s portal, will present the resistance in Soviet territory occupied by fascist troops, modern historiography of the Great Patriotic War and the role of the Leningrad battle in achieving the victory of the Soviet people over Germany.

The users, without leaving home, will be able to learn about the film "Borderland", which provides the history of Bryansk Region from the Middle Paleolithic to the formation of the ancient Russian state. History buffs will certainly be interested in video lectures, which are scheduled to be shown online on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of the victory of the Russian fleet over the Turkish in the Battle of Chesma.

Users who are close to sports topics will be able to remotely learn more about the European champion in soccer freestyle Arseny Klementyev, as well as many interesting facts about this sport, the essence of which is to show the handling of the ball when performing complex tricks. Klementyev will not only talk about football freestyle, but will also demonstrate his skills to the audience.

The schedule of broadcasts of films and video lectures for the coming week is available on the Presidential Library’s portal in Live broadcasts section.

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