Человек и окружающая среда. Экология человека. Экология в целом

Человек и окружающая среда. Экология человека. Экология в целом

Материалы по теме

At the petition of the Chairman of the Society of Factory Manufacturers and Manufacturers of the Moscow Industrial Region on the suspension of court cases instituted for violating the existing regulations on the protection of water and soil, before the ap

Council of Ministers (1905-1917).
At the petition of the Chairman of the Society of Factory and Factory Manufacturers of the Moscow Industrial Region on the suspension of court cases brought in violation of the current rules on water and soil protection, before the approval of the draft law on the sanitary protection of air, water and soil.

At the petition of the chairman of the Moscow Stock Exchange Committee GA Krestovnikov to stop the criminal prosecution of breeders and manufacturers of Vladimir and Kostroma gubernia for violating the rules on the sanitary protection of water, air and so

Council of Ministers (1905-1917).
At the petition of the Chairman of the Moscow Stock Exchange Committee GA Krestovnikov to stop the criminal prosecution of breeders and manufacturers of the Vladimir and Kostroma gubernias for violating the rules on the sanitary protection of water, air and soil from sewage water from factories and plants, and on a draft law on the procedure and the opening of industrial enterprises. Brochure "Firms that discontinued payments for the period from November 15, 1911 to November 15, 1912" (p. 10-44).

About Ecologist Day

      Russian Federation. President (2004-2008, V.V. Putin). About the Day of the ecologist. Moscow, 2007.
