Изобретательство и рационализация в области техники. Патентное дело

Изобретательство и рационализация в области техники. Патентное дело

Материалы по теме

Correspondence of the Petrograd Council and Century I convocation with the main artillery management on the payment of soldiers working at state-owned enterprises and factories, the consideration of the inventions of individuals, the examination of the factories, subordinate to the main artille

All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the Councils of Workers and Soldier Deputies of the I-th convocation.Correspondence of the Petrograd Council and VTCIK I convocating with the main artillery management on the payment of soldiers working at state-owned enterprises and factories, the consideration of the inventions of individuals, examining factories, subordinate to the main artillery management and on other issues.

Notes of the Technical Assistance Committee "On the role of transport in the fight against hunger and its consequences" and "What needs to be done to resume small handicrafts and handicraft industry" and correspondence with the Scientific and Technical Council of the Supreme Economic Council on inventions and inventors

Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (SNK RSFSR).
Notes of the Technical Assistance Committee "On the role of transport in the fight against hunger and its consequences" and "What should be done to resume small handicrafts and handicraft industry" and correspondence with the Scientific and Technical Council of the Supreme Economic Council on inventions and inventors.

Possed by I. P. Kulibina "On Machine Courts on the Volga River";List of inventions I. P. Kulibina in the field of mechanics, optics and physics;Possed by I. Mukhina on the connection of the Volga rivers with Don from the city of Wolsk;Note P. Sumarokova about water communication device for

Office N. N. Novosiltsieva.Possed by I. P. Kulibina "On Machine Courts on the Volga River";List of inventions I. P. Kulibina in the field of mechanics, optics and physics;Possed by I. Mukhina on the connection of the Volga rivers with Don from the city of Wolsk;P. Sumarov's note on water communication device for connecting the rivers of the Tobolsk and Arkhangelsk provinces;Notes of different persons (Dangel-Yano-Lato) on the inventions in the field of shipping and the construction of various water structures.
