Период революции 1905

Период революции 1905

Материалы по теме

The telegrams of the district courts of the Minister of Justice on the revolutionary events in various cities of Russia.Copies.October 19, 1905 to January 25, 1906 there is a report of the Minister of Internal Affairs of P.N.Dornova about the December armed uprising

Collection: Telegrams of prosecutors of district courts Minister of Justice on revolutionary events in various cities of Russia.Copies.October 19, 1905 to January 25, 1906 there is a report of the Minister of Internal Affairs of P.N.Dusnova about the December armed uprising in different cities of Russia.(LL. 110-121). (1905-1906)

Telegram of Chairman of the Astrakhan Monarchist Party Tikhonovich-Savitsky Rodzianko MV on the State Duma Speech on the War with Germany

Rodzianko Vladimir Mikhailovich, Lieutenant-General, Assistant to the Chief of Staff of the Gendarmerie Corps. 1828-1893. Rodzianko Mikhail Vladimirovich, son of VM Rodzianko, chairman of the III and IY of the State Duma, member of the "Union of October 17". 1859-1924.
Telegram of the Chairman of the Astrakhan Monarchist Party Tikhonovich-Savitsky Rodzianko MV about the speeches in the State Duma on the question of the war with Germany.

Verbatim records. Pointer

Russia. The State Duma. Convening. Session (2) (2). Verbatim records. St. Petersburg, 1907. - Index. St. Petersburg, 1907.

The voter's reference book in the State Duma, containing: 1) All legalizations relating to the transformation of our state system, from December 1904 to March 1, 1906; 2) Political programs and platforms of Russian parties

Bashmakov, Alexander Alexandrovich (1858-1943). The voter's reference book in the State Duma, containing: 1) All legalizations relating to the transformation of our state system, from December 1904 to March 1, 1906; 2) Political programs and platforms of Russian parties. St. Petersburg: The Word, 1906.
