СССР в конце 20-х

СССР в конце 20-х

Материалы по теме

Cipher telegram from members of the Politburo of the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee L. Kaganovich and V. Molotov to J. Stalin with the text of a draft reply from the Chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee M. Kalinin to the lette

Cipher telegram from members of the Politburo of the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee L. Kaganovich and V. Molotov to J. Stalin with the text of a draft reply from the Chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee M. Kalinin to the letter of US President F.D. Roosevelt on US-Soviet relations. Original. Corrections – autograph of L. Kaganovich, signatures – autographs of L. Kaganovich and V. Molotov.

Шифртелеграмма членов Политбюро ЦК ВКП(б) Л. М. Кагановича и В. М. Молотова И. В. Сталину с проектом директивы представителю СССР в Лиге наций М. М. Литвинову о проведении в жизнь решения об эмбарго военных материалов и о советском представителе в Комисси

Cipher telegram from members of the Politburo of the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee L. Kaganovich and V. Molotov to J. Stalin with draft instructions for the Soviet representative to the League of Nations M. Litvinov on the enforcement of the embargo on military materials and on the Soviet representative on the Military Embargo Committee; with the text of a reply cipher telegram from J. Stalin (the draft instructions were approved by the Politburo of the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee on 15 October 1935). Original. Reply text – autograph of J. Stalin.

Шифртелеграмма членов Политбюро ЦК ВКП(б) Л. М. Кагановича и В. М. Молотова И. В. Сталину от 23 сентября 1935 г. с проектом письма члена Политкомиссии Политсекретариата Исполкома Коминтерна Г. Димитрова в Секретариат Социнтерна о единстве действий в связи

Cipher telegram from members of the Politburo of the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee L. Kaganovich and V. Molotov to J. Stalin of 23 September 1935 with a draft letter from member of the Political Committee of the Political Secretariat of the Comintern Executive Committee Dimitrov to the Socialist International Secretariat regarding common action against the military preparations of Italian and German Fascists; with the text of a reply cipher telegram from J. Stalin of 24 September 1935. Original.

Cipher telegram from members of the Politburo of the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee L. Kaganovich and V. Molotov to J. Stalin about instructions to Soviet People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs M. Litvinov regarding his upcoming conversation with

Cipher telegram from members of the Politburo of the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee L. Kaganovich and V. Molotov to J. Stalin about instructions to Soviet People’s Commissar of Foreign Affairs M. Litvinov regarding his upcoming conversation with US President F.D. Roosevelt; with the text of a reply cipher telegram from J. Stalin. Original. Reply text – autograph of J. Stalin.

Cipher telegram from members of the Politburo of the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee L. Kaganovich and V. Molotov to J. Stalin on the US reply to the restoration of US-Soviet relations; with the text of a reply cipher telegram from J. Stalin and

Cipher telegram from members of the Politburo of the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee L. Kaganovich and V. Molotov to J. Stalin on the US reply to the restoration of US-Soviet relations; with the text of a reply cipher telegram from J. Stalin and Deputy Chairman of the Council of People’s Commissars and the Council of Labour and Defence of the USSR J. Rudzutaks. Original. Reply text – autograph of J. Stalin, signatures – autographs of J. Stalin and J. Rudzutaks.

Cipher telegram from members of the Politburo of the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee L. Kaganovich and V. Molotov to J. Stalin on the organization of meetings between Soviet People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs M. Litvinov and German Foreign Min

Cipher telegram from members of the Politburo of the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee L. Kaganovich and V. Molotov to J. Stalin on the organisation of meetings between Soviet People’s Commissar of Foreign Affairs M. Litvinov and German Foreign Minister K. von Neurath, German Chancellor A. Hitler and French Foreign Minister J. Paul-Boncour; with the text of a reply cipher telegram from J. Stalin. Original.

Шифртелеграмма членов Политбюро ЦК ВКП(б) Л. М. Кагановича и В. М. Молотова И. В. Сталину об избрании представителя СССР в Лиге наций М. М. Литвинова товарищем председателя ассамблеи

Cipher telegram from members of the Politburo of the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee L. Kaganovich and V. Molotov to J. Stalin about the Soviet representative to the League of Nations M. Litvinov being elected Deputy Chairman of the Assembly. Certified copy.

Cipher telegram from members of the Politburo of the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee L. Kaganovich and V. Molotov to J. Stalin regarding the proposals of Italian Prime Minister B. Mussolini on the draft pact between the USSR and Italy; with the t

Cipher telegram from members of the Politburo of the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee L. Kaganovich and V. Molotov to J. Stalin regarding the proposals of Italian Prime Minister B. Mussolini on the draft pact between the USSR and Italy; with the text of a reply cipher telegram from J. Stalin. Original. Reply text – autograph of J. Stalin.

Шифртелеграмма членов Политбюро ЦК ВКП(б) Л. М. Кагановича и В. М. Молотова И. В. Сталину о предложении представителя СССР в Лиге наций М. М. Литвинова демонстративно покинуть Женеву в связи с неизбранием его в число товарищей председателя ассамблеи; с те

Cipher telegram from members of the Politburo of the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee L. Kaganovich and V. Molotov to J. Stalin about the proposal of the Soviet representative to the League of Nations M. Litvinov to leave Geneva in protest against not being elected Deputy Chairman of the Assembly; with the text of a reply cipher telegram from J. Stalin expressing his consent. Original. Reply text – autograph of J. Stalin.

Шифртелеграмма членов Политбюро ЦК ВКП(б) Л. М. Кагановича и В. М. Молотова И. В. Сталину о направлении текста декларации канцлера Германии А. Гитлера на заседании рейхстага с предложением не посылать протест; с текстом ответной шифртелеграммы И. В. Стали

Telegram from the Deputy Head of the Special Sector of the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee B. Dvinsky to J. Stalin with the text of a TASS communiqué from Berlin regarding the declaration of German Chancellor A. Hitler at a session of the Reichstag. Copy. Cipher telegram from members of the Politburo of the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee L. Kaganovich and V. Molotov to J. Stalin regarding the dispatch of the text of the declaration of German Chancellor A. Hitler at a session of the Reichstag with a recommendation of not sending a note of protest; with the text of a reply cipher telegram from J. Stalin. Original. Reply text – autograph of J. Stalin.
