СССР в период Второй мировой и Великой Отечественной войн (1939

СССР в период Второй мировой и Великой Отечественной войн (1939

Материалы по теме

Ciphers on the People’s Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the USSR V.M.Molotov’s Office of the USSR in the UK F.T.Gusev on the delivery of UK Saterials in the USSR A. Kerre the Memorandum of the Soviet Government on the arrival of the Finnish delegation to Moscow to conduct negotiations on the Arrival

Ciphers on the People’s Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the USSR V.M.Molotov’s Office of the USSR in the UK F.T.Gusev on the delivery of British’s ambassador to the USSR A. Kerre the Memorandum of the Soviet Government on the arrival of the Finnish delegation to Moscow to conduct negotiations on a ceasefire and on the results of the first meeting with representatives of the Finnish government.Script.March 30, 19441944.

Ciphers on the People’s Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the USSR V.M.Molotov to the messenger of the USSR in Sweden A.M.Kollontai with instructions on the support of a joint Anglo-American demarche to the Sweden government on the issue of the immediate cessation of Swedish exports to Herman

Ciphers on the People’s Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the USSR V.M.Molotov to the messenger of the USSR in Sweden A.M.Kollontai with instructions on the support of a joint Anglo-American demarche to the Sweden government on the issue of the immediately termination of Swedish exports to Germany of a number of materials used in military-industrial production.Script.Litter V.G.Dekanozov in blue pencil: "T.Molotov V.M.For approval (with Comrade Vyshinsky agreed).[Signature] 23/X. "October 25, 19441944.

The household of the People’s Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the USSR V. Molotov to the Messenger of the USSR in Sweden A. M. Kollontai with the text of the response of the Soviet government to the appeal of the President of Finland K. G. Mannerheim of September 2, 1944 regarding the order of internation of Hero

F. 059.The household of the People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the USSR V. Molotov to the M. Molotov to the Messenger of the USSR in Sweden A. M. Kollontai with the text of the response of the Soviet government to the appeal of the President of Finland K. G. Mannerheim of September 2, 1944 regarding the order of the internation of German troops in the Finnish territory and the cessation of the militaryactions on the site of the Soviet-Finnish line of contact.

Ciphers on the People’s Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the USSR V. Molotov to the Messenger of the USSR in Sweden A. M. Kollontai with the text of the statement of the Soviet government in connection with the rejecting of the Finnish side of the Soviet conditions

F. 059.The household of the People’s Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the USSR V. Molotov to the Messenger of the USSR in Sweden A. M. Kollontai with the text of the statement of the Soviet government in connection with the rejection of the Finnish side of the Soviet conditions of the armistice.

Ciphers on the People’s Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the USSR V.M.Molotov to the messenger of the USSR in Sweden A.M.Kollontai about Soviet proposals about the world transmitted by the Finnish delegation in Moscow during negotiations.Script.March 30, 1944

Ciphers on the People’s Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the USSR V.M.Molotov to the messenger of the USSR in Sweden A.M.Kollontai about Soviet proposals about the world transmitted by the Finnish delegation in Moscow during negotiations.Script.March 30, 19441944.

Ciphers on the People’s Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the USSR V.M.Molotov to the messenger of the USSR in Sweden A.M.Kollontai on the transfer of the Romanian messenger in Stockholm F. Nan explanations on some points of the minimum Soviet conditions of a truce with Romania.Script.May 31

Ciphers on the People’s Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the USSR V.M.Molotov to the messenger of the USSR in Sweden A.M.Kollontai on the transfer of the Romanian messenger in Stockholm F. Nan explanations on some points of the minimum Soviet conditions of a truce with Romania.Script.May 31, 19441944.

Ciphers on the People’s Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the USSR V.M.Molotova to the messenger of the USSR in Egypt N.V.Novikov on correspondence with the British Ambassador to the USSR A. Kerr on the Romanian issue and the additional Soviet requirements for Marshal J. Antonescu in addition to the proposal

Ciphers on the People’s Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the USSR V.M.Molotova to the messenger of the USSR in Egypt N.V.Novikov on correspondence with the UK ambassador to the USSR A. Kerr on the Romanian issue and the additional Soviet requirements for Marshal J. Antonescu, in addition to the proposals of the Commander -in -Chief of the Allied forces in the Mediterranean basin of General M. Wilson.Script.March 26, 19441944.

Cipher telegram of the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR V.M.Molotov to the Plenipotentiary of the USSR in Turkey S.A. Vinogradov on the issue of recognition by the USSR the Yugoslav government of General D. Simovich (in connection with S

Ф. 059.
Шифртелеграмма наркома иностранных дел СССР В. М. Молотова полпреду СССР в Турции С. А. Виноградову по вопросу о признании СССР югославского правительства генерала Д. Симовича (в связи с беседой С. А. Виноградова с германским послом в Турции Ф. Папеном 17 мая 1941 г.).

Cipher telegram of the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR V.M.Molotov to the Plenipotentiary of the USSR in Turkey S.A. Vinogradov about the conversation with the Turkish Ambassador to the USSR H. Aktay on the Bulgarian issue

Ф. 059.
Шифртелеграмма наркома иностранных дел СССР В. М. Молотова полпреду СССР в Турции С. А. Виноградову о беседе с послом Турции в СССР Х. Актаем по болгарскому вопросу.
