Второй период Великой Отечественной войны (ноябрь 1942
Материалы по теме
The ceremony of transferring the honorable sword - the gift of the King of Great Britain George IV to citizens of Stalingrad in commemoration of the heroic defense of the city
The ceremony of handing over the honorable sword - the gift of the King of Great Britain George IV to citizens of Stalingrad in commemoration of the heroic defense of the city. [B. m.], Nov. 1943. |
Central Front.On the front line for machine gunners.After the concert, the 2nd front-line brigade of the Dnepropetrovsk Ukrainian theater.Shevchenko.The composition of the brigade: Honored Artist I.G.Kobrinsky, Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR Z.S.Khrukalova, artists are good, Kamenetsk
Central Front.On the front line for machine gunners.After the concert, the 2nd front-line brigade of the Dnepropetrovsk Ukrainian theater.Shevchenko.The composition of the brigade: Honored Artist I.G.Kobrinsky, Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR Z.S.Khrukalova, artists are good, Kamenetsky, Sishov, Trojan, phrases, Korishchenko, Pustynsky.Photo.February 19431943.
A good beginning // Tambovskaya Pravda. № 13 (January 16)
Tambovskaya truth. Mechkovsky, V. The Good Beginning. |
Khvalovskaya Lidia Vasilievna.August 1942: [photography]
Khvalovskaya Lidia Vasilievna.August 1942: [photography].1942.
The successful offensive of our troops in the area south of Lake Ladoga and the breakthrough of the blockade of Leningrad // Tambovskaya Pravda. № 15 (January 19)
Tambovskaya truth. Film The successful offensive of our troops in the area south of Lake Ladoga and the breakthrough of the blockade of Leningrad. |
Packaging of mortars handed over to the Supreme High Command Fund for sending to Moscow.Altai region.1943 photographer V. Kosovsky.
Packaging of mortars handed over to the Supreme High Command Fund for sending to Moscow.Altai region.1943 photographer V. Kosovsky. 1943.
The ultimatum of the representative of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command N. N. Voronov and the commander of the troops of the Don Front K.K. Rokossovsky commander of the 6th German army F. Paulus with a proposal for the cessation of resistance and surrender
F. 32.The ultimatum of the representative of the headquarters of the Supreme High Command N. N. Voronov and the commander of the troops of the Don Front K.K. Rokossovsky commander of the 6th German army F. Paulus with a proposal for the cessation of resistance and surrender.
An instruction of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of I.V. Stalin, the commander of the troops of the South-Western Front, N.F. Vatutin, the commander of the troops of the Voronezh Front F. I. Golikov and the representative of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command N. N. Voronov on a change in the goals
F. 3.An instruction of the Supreme Commander of I.V. Stalin, the commander of the troops of the South-Western Front, N.F. Vatutin, commander of the troops of the Voronezh Front F. I. Golikov and the representative of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command N. N. Voronov on a change in the goals of the operation "Saturn" and on renaming itIn "Small Saturn".
The instruction of the Supreme Commander -in -Chief I.V. Stalin ("Vasilieva") No. 170695 commander of the troops of the Don Front K.K. Rokossovsky ("Dontsov") and the commander of the troops of the Stalingrad Front A.I. Eremenko ("Ivanov") on the submission of A. M.Vasilevsky ("Mi
F. 148a.The instruction of the Supreme Commander -in -Chief I.V. Stalin ("Vasilieva") No. 170695 commander of the troops of the Don Front K.K. Rokossovsky ("Dontsov") and the commander of the troops of the Stalingrad Front A.I. Eremenko ("Ivanov") on the submission of A. M.Vasilevsky ("Mikhailov") to leading powers in the leadership of the actions of the Stalingrad Front and the Don fronts to eliminate the surrounded enemy.
Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR "On the establishment of the Order of Victory" , with applications.The original and the project signed by I.V.Stalin.November 8, 1943
Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR "On the establishment of the Order of Victory" , with applications.The original and the project signed by I.V.Stalin.November 8, 19431943.