Семейное право

Семейное право

Материалы по теме

The Convention between His Majesty the Emperor of All-Russia and His Serene Highness the Saxon Kurfirist on the non-imposition of duties on inherited estates taken by a mutual citizen, concluded on August 20, 1800

Russia. Contracts. The Convention between His Majesty the Emperor of All-Russia and His Serene Highness the Saxon Kurfirist on the non-imposition of duties on inherited estates obtained by mutual subjects, concluded on August 20, 1800. A Petersbourg: De l'Imprimerie imperiale, 1800.

The case of bringing to the Collegium of Foreign Affairs information that according to Russian laws there are no deductions for charitable institutions with an inheritance, transferred from Russia to Saxony. The Convention between Russia and Saxony of 20

Commission for drafting laws under the State Council.
The case of bringing to the Collegium of Foreign Affairs information that according to Russian laws there are no deductions for charitable institutions with an inheritance, transferred from Russia to Saxony. Convention between Russia and Saxony of August 20, 1800 on the non-collection of duties on estate inheritance, recipients of reciprocal subjects (printed, pp. 2-6).
