Kursk Region: pages of history

Kursk Region: pages of history

Featured selection of the studies, archival documents, statistic, cartographic and miscellaneous sources reflects the economic, social, political and cultural history of the development of the region in the XIX − the early XXI centuries. The collection also included a current version of the Kursk Oblast Statute.

Notes on Provincial Teaching Courses in Kursk from May 26 to June 20, 1898 for teachers and teachers Zemsky schools Kursk province

Kursk provincial zemstvo temporary pedagogical courses (1898). Notes on Provincial Pedagogical Courses in Kursk from May 26 to June 20, 1898 for teachers and teachers Zemsky schools Kursk province. Kursk: Publication of the Kursk provincial zemstvo, 1899.
Белгородская ГУНБ
