Presidential Chronicle

Presidential Chronicle

In 2016, there will be 25 years since the establishment of the office of the President in the Russian Federation. A foundation and a development of the presidency in Russia is a long historical process. Numerous official and normative documents, monographs, collections, newspaper and magazine publications, electronic, including multimedia, editions dedicated to the beginning of the presidency in Russia came out during this period.

The part of the President of the Russian Federation in determining and developing the legal system of Russian society is remarkably high. The institute of the presidency reflects the essence of the state, the state power, it is integral for the present-day country. In relation to the institute of the presidency, an attitude of society towards the state as a whole could be evaluated. Studying the constitutional and other legal norms alone should not limit an analysis of the phenomenon of the presidential power. Equally important is a correlation of these norms with the political practice of the presidents — a feedback from the voters and residents along with well-timed response to their sentiments, demands and aspirations.

Being the first national digital library of Russia, The Presidential Library, in accordance with its Statute and Strategic Vision, builds a nationwide archives of digital documents related to the history, theory and practice of Russian statehood. The key figure of the present-day Russian state is the President of the Russian Federation, so, the library is responsible for a coverage of the activities of the President of the Russian Federation, to collect and to keep in electronic format a collection of documents on the history of the establishment and development of the presidency in Russia and the head’s of the state work.

The society has a right to receive complete information about the implementation by the President of the Russian Federation of the authority as the head of the state and a guarantor of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

The Presidential Chronicle project’s objective is to create, using obtained from official sources documentary evidences, an objective and accurate view of the history of Russia, a buildup of the citizenship and patriotism, a disclosure of the essence and the history of the institute of the presidential power.

The main tasks of the project include coverage of the constitutional powers and political practice of the presidents of the Russian Federation, popularization of their deeds through creation of their own problem-oriented thematic multimedia resources: public audio-video lectures, popular films, virtual sightseeing tours, expositions and museums. Particular attention is paid to the activities of the President as a guarantor of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, human and civil rights and freedoms. Therefore, the authors of the project, along with the responsibilities of the state leader in determining the main directions of domestic and foreign policy, also show the President’s work with people’s personal appeals and much more, which reflects the daily practice of the head of the state.

The symbols of presidential power, virtual tours through the official residence of the President of the Russian Federation, his personal library and archives, as well as the state national awards of Russian Federation are of great public interest. The project is implemented with the assistance of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

At the moment, the Presidential Library released video films "The Symbols of the Presidential Power" and "The Personal Library of the President of the Russian Federation", "I Appeal to the President", "The Archives of the President of the Russian Federation", "The State Residence of the President of Russia. The Grand Kremlin Palace". They were highly appreciated by the researchers, historians and experts of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation.

The library creates one more audiovisual product - the film "The President Awards". The Presidential Library's Internet portal is developing the digital collection "The Institute of Presidential Power in the Russian Federation". A series of public video lectures and multimedia lessons on the status and authorities of the President of the Russian Federation, covering historical, political and legal aspects of the establishment of the presidency in Russia, is being arranged according to the plan.