Alexander Real School (Realschule) was opened in Tyumen 140 years ago

27 September 1879

The first secondary educational institution in Tyumen – the Tyumen Alexander Real School (Realschule) was inaugurated on September 15 (27), 1879.

The ceremony laying the first stone of the school building was held on May 31 (June 12), 1877. It was built to a design of Ye. S. Vorotilov, an architect of St. Petersburg University. Architect B. B. Zinke was in charge of the construction. The work was financed by P. I. Podaruyev, a mayor and merchant-philanthropist of the 1st guild.

Scientist and researcher I. Ya. Slovtsov was appointed as head teacher of the school in August 1879. He was awarded medals of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in Stockholm and the Russian Geographical Society for his works. Not only did he manage to attract competent teachers, but he also engaged their interest in future prospects in teaching.

On November 18 (30), 1879 the real school became known as the Alexander Real School in honor of Emperor Alexander II. The educational institution was the second sixth-year real school (Realschule) in Western Siberia with the main fee-based department in the fifth and sixth forms, Chemistry and Technology Department and Mechanics Department in the seventh form.

In 1884 a second-class meteorological station was opened at school. In 1896 Sunday courses on technical drawing, physics and art were opened for everyone at the initiative of teachers P. I.  Pereshivalov and N. V. Kuzmin.

In 1886 the fee-based department was closed due to a shortage of students. The Chemistry and Technology Department and the seventh additional class were closed in 1889, the Mechanics Department – in 1893. A preparatory class was organized instead of the latter. In 1896 Sunday classes intended for artisans and workmen of Tyumen were organized at school.

There were more than 20 classrooms, specially equipped laboratories, rooms for art and gymnastics, and workshops. A library, which held about 9,000 books, occupied two halls. There was a museum, which housed rarities and unique collections of I. Ya. Slovtsov and N. M. Chukmaldin. The curriculum included religious studies, Russian, German, French, trigonometry, physics, geography, history, art, law and other subjects. Some textbooks were written by I. Ya. Slovtsov (The Brief Physical Geography, A Comparative Study of the Russian Empire and Major States).

The school was considered a public institution, because the tuition was not high. N. G. Kolmakov and P. I. Podaruyev scholarships were given to support students from the poorest families. Tyumen merchants and industrialists regularly made donations along with the Saint Prince Alexander Nevsky Brotherhood. The brotherhood was established in 1881 at the Alexander Nevsky Church, which belonged to the school. In some cases the brotherhood paid tuition fees for talented children from poor families, in others it provided food, clothing, and educational books for students.

The teaching staff under I. Ya. Slovtsov’s direction consisted of 12 members. A. Ya. Siletsky, a graduate of St. Petersburg University, was a school inspector (assistant head teacher), and a candidate of the same university - A. D. Petrov was a class inspector. Teachers at school were graduates of St. Petersburg, Moscow, and Kharkov universities. S. I. Karnatsevich noted that they were all brilliant teachers. Maths was taught by P. O. Pereshivalov, geometry - by N. D. Pogorzhelsky, and physics - by F. G. Bagayev. History teacher was P. M. Golovachyov, author of the books Siberia: Nature, People, Life, Economic Geography of Siberia, Tyumen in the 17th Century and others.

Former pupils of the school became famous not only in Tyumen Region, but they also achieved national fame. Among them were: a famous writer M. M. Prishvin, the first director of the Tyumen Regional Local History Museum, artist P. A. Rossomakhin, an honored paediatrician S. I. Karnatsevich, a Soviet statesman and party leader L. B. Krasin, an opera and chamber singer A. M. Labinsky, etc.

Pupils didn’t remain indifferent to the events of the revolution of 1905-1907. In January 1906 they demanded that the pedagogical council granted them the right to assemble, attend circles and unions, visit theatres and libraries in the city without restriction, and also called for the replenishment of the library and polite treatment on the part of the teaching staff. They were also against the obligatory attendance of religious services and extracurricular supervision. In 1906 I. Ya. Slovtsov resigned his post and left Tyumen. His place was taken by P. A. Ivachev, who was considered a tough man by his contemporaries.

The school was closed in 1919. In 1920 the Agricultural Technical School was opened in the building of the former Alexander Real School. Being a historical monument, the building of the educational institution is classified as a cultural heritage site of regional significance. The school’s library, which was assembled by I. Ya. Slovtsov, entered the holdings of the Tyumen Public Library, which later became the Mendeleyev Tyumen Regional Research Library.

Lit.: Бакулина Т.И. Александровское реальное училище // Большая Тюменская энциклопедия [Текст]: энциклопедия. Т. 1. А-З / ред. Г. Ф. Шафранов-Куцев. – Тюмень: Изд-во Тюм. ун-та, 2004. – С. 75; Дубовская Е. 200 тысяч рублей на строительство // Дубовская Е. М. Легенды и тайны Тюмени. Тюмень, 2013. С. 50-57; Иваненко А. С. Александровское реальное училище // Мое достояние. Тюмень 425: [историко-краеведческий альманах] / К. А. Анкушева, Тихон (Бобов) [и др.]; гл. ред. Н. А. Завитневич. Тюмень, 2011. С. 135-137; Иваненко А. Дом № 7 по улице Республики // Тюменский курьер. 2010. 9 сент. С. 5; Иваненко А.  Реальное училище и деятели культуры [Текст] // Тюменский курьер. 2009. 11 дек. С. 7; Карнацевич С. Память о прошлом // Лукич. 2010. Ч. 32. С. 28–64; Тюменское Александровское реальное училище (к 125-летию со дня открытия) // В помощь краеведу: Материалы к календарю знаменательных и памятных дат Тюменской области на 2004 год. Тюмень, 2003. С. 80–83.

The materials were provided by the Presidential Library’s branch in Tyumen Region

Also available in the Presidential Library’s collections:

Головачев П. М., Чукмалдина А. И. Тюмень в XVII столетии. М., 1903;

Каталог музея при Тюменском Александровском реальном училище / предисл. Словцова. – Тюмень, 1905;

Об учреждении в городе Тюмени 6-классного реального училища // Полное собрание законов Российской империи: Собрание 2-е. СПб., 1880. Т. 53. Отд. 1-е: 1878. От № 58048-58673. С. 296.