Birthday anniversary of Konstantin P. Pobedonostsev, Russian statesman, legal scholar, attorney-general of the Holy Synod, founder of parish school system
On November 18 (30), 1827 in Moscow, into the family of Professor of the Imperial Moscow University, was born Konstantin Petrovich Pobedonostsev, Russian statesman, legal scholar, publicist, Actual Privy Councillor, attorney-general of the Holy Synod, the founder of St. Vladimir's teacher school, a member of State Council of the Russian Empire. He was a professor at Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Kiev and Tartu Universities; St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kiev and Kazan Theological Academies, an honorary member of the Paris Academy of Sciences; founded the Russian system of parochial schools, traditional and modern schools.
Pobedonostsev received a good primary education at home. In 1841 his father took him to St. Petersburg where the young man enrolled in one of the most privileged educational institutions of Russia – Imperial Law School. On graduation in 1846 Pobedonostsev was assigned to work at 8th (Moscow) Department of the Governing Senate as Assistant Secretary. In 1859 he was invited to lecture on civil law at Moscow University. Pobedonostsev defended his master's thesis on the topic "Towards a reform of civil procedure”, and then for six years - from 1859 to 1865 - lectured at the Law Faculty on civil law and procedure. In 1860 Pobedonostsev was elected Professor of Law Faculty of the University, continuing his work at 8th Department of the Senate. Special area of his research was surveying the right.
Having a reputation of a superb scholar of legal science and a brilliant lecturer and teacher, at the end of 1861 K. Pobedonostsev together with historian S. M. Soloviev was invited by the principal teacher of the great princes to teach law to Tsarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich. In 1863 he accompanied the heir during his trip over Russia, which he later described in his book "Letters on travel of heir-the Crown Prince of Russia from St. Petersburg to the Crimea" (1864). After the death of Crown Prince Nicholas Alexandrovich, Pobedonostsev was again invited to the court to teach jurisprudence to future Tsar Alexander III and other great princes, and the wife of the heir, Maria Feodorovna. Pobedonostsev subsequently taught law to the future Emperor Nicholas II.
At the end of 1850-s Pobedonostsev became a writer and publicist of liberal views. In 1861 he was sent "at the disposal of the Secretary of State for temporary works on the production and transformation of the judiciary". In this position Pobedonostsev took an active part in the development of judicial reform of 1864, upholding the principles of judicial independence, openness, justice and the adversarial judicial process.
Having quit the professorship in 1865, Pobedonostsev moved to St. Petersburg and fully devoted himself to public service: in 1865 he was appointed to the advice of the Ministry of Justice, in 1868 became a senator, and in 1872 - a member of the State Council. In the same period he was actively engaged in scientific and journalistic activities: published 17 books, numerous articles, translated works on history and jurisprudence.
After the assassination of Tsar Alexander II, when discussing the draft changes submitted by M. T. Loris-Melikov, Pobedonostsev delivered a sharp criticism of the reforms of 1860-70-s, was the author of the manifesto “On inviolability of autocracy" (1881). He was also one of the founders of a secret government organization "Sacred Squad" (1881-83), designed to deal with populist extremism.
In 1880 Pobedonostsev was appointed Attorney General of the Holy Synod and remained at that post for 26 years. At the same time he joined the Cabinet of Ministers. After accession to the throne of Alexander III, the role of the new attorney general in the political life of the Russian Empire increased. Pobedonostsev gradually became one of the most influential figures in the Russian political elite.
As the attorney general, Pobedonostsev focused on improving the social role of the Russian Orthodox Church: increase in the number of churches and monasteries, the number of clergy, support of the movement of church fraternities, a network of parochial schools. He regularly appeared in print on issues of public education. In elementary school, he saw, first of all, the keeper of Russian traditions, religious attitudes, moral norms. Ideal public school for him was such, where students acquire at least basic knowledge, but took in the respect for God, love for the Fatherland and honor of their parents. Pobedonostsev suggested the establishment of churches under a wide network of primary schools, subject to the religious agency and led by priests. The focus in such schools should be given to educating students, studying the Law of God, the Church Slavonic language, church singing.
Pobedonostev most fully expressed his political and philosophical views in the “Moskovsky collection", where in 1896 he criticized the main pillars of contemporary Western culture and principles of government. While rejecting liberal principles, Pobedonostsev criticized counter reforms - destruction of administrative and legislative institutions in 1860-70-ies.
In early twentieth century Pobedonostev’s influence on the policy of the Russian government began to weaken. 17 (30) April 1905 Cabinet, despite the objections of the attorney general, approved the decree on religious tolerance. After the publication of the Manifesto 17 (30) October 1905 Pobedonostsev resigned.
10 (23) March 1907, Konstantin Petrovich Pobedonostsev died in St. Petersburg. According to his testament, he was buried near the eastern wall of the altar of the church in the name of the Presentation of Virgin Mary Church, situated in St. Vladimir's church teacher school (now hospital № 21), founded by spouses Pobedonostsevs.
Lit.: Глинский Б. Б. Константин Петрович Победоносцев (Материалы для биографии) // Исторический вестник. Апрель, 1907. С. 247-274; Гневушев М. Константин Петрович Победоносцев. Киев, 1907; Гусев В. А. К. П. Победоносцев — русский консерватор-государственник // Социально-политический журнал. 1993. № 11-12; Из писем К. П. Победоносцева к Николаю II (1898-1905) // Религии мира. История и современность. Ежегодник (1983). М., 1983; Открытое послание обер-прокурору Правительствующего синода, действительному тайному советнику К. П. Победоносцеву от Германа Дальтона о свободе совести в России / Пер. с нем. Лейпциг, 1890; Победоносцев К. П. Pro et contra. Антология. СПб., 1996; Победоносцев К. П. Курс гражданского права. Т. 1-3. СПб., 1896; То же. Ч. 1 [Электронный ресурс]. URL:; То же. Ч. 2; То же [Электронный ресурс]. URL:; То же. Ч. 3 [Электронный ресурс]. URL:; Победоносцев К. П. Исторические исследования и статьи. СПб., 1876; Победоносцев К. П. Письма к Александру III. Т. 1-2. М., 1926; Победоносцев К. П. Письма о путешествии государя наследника цесаревича по России. М., 1864; Победоносцев К. П. Победа, победившая мир. М., 1895; Победоносцев К. П. Судебное руководство. Сборник правил, положений и примеров, извлечённых из теории и практики гражданского судопроизводства с полным указателем к судебным и распорядительным решениям по сему предмету кассационных дел Сената. СПб., 1872; Победоносцев К. П. Ученье и учитель. Педагогические заметки. М., 1903; Полунов А. Ю. Политическая индивидуальность К. П. Победоносцева // Вестник Московского университета. Сер. 8: История. 1991. № 2; Полунов А. Ю. К. П. Победоносцев: Великая ложь нашего времени // Вопросы философии. 1993. № 5; Преображенский И. В. К. П. Победоносцев, его личность и деятельность в представлении современников его кончины. СПб., 1912; Соловьёв А. Л. К. П. Победоносцев и политика контрреформ // Известия Уральского государственного университета. 2003. № 25;; Тимошина Е. В. Политико-правовая идеология русского пореформенного консерватизма: К. П. Победоносцев. СПб., 2000; Томсинов В. А. Константин Петрович Победоносцев: человек, политик и правовед // Вестник Московского университета. Сер. 11. Право. 2007. № 2. С. 36-83; Шилов Д.Н. Когда родился Константин Петрович Победоносцев? // Петербургский исторический журнал № 2 (2014). Режим доступа:
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