Victory Parade took place on the Red Square
June 24, 1945 at 10:00 a.m. on the Red Square, Moscow, took place a parade to commemorate the victory of the Soviet Union over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War. The parade was received by the First Deputy People's Commissar of Defense and Deputy Supreme Commander, the commander of the 1st Belorussian Front, Marshal of the Soviet Union, G. K. Zhukov. In charge of the parade was the commander of the 2nd Belorussian Front, Marshal of the Soviet Union, K. K. Rokossovsky.
June 22, 1945 the major Soviet newspapers published an order of the Supreme Commander, I. V. Stalin N 370: "In commemoration of the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War, I appoint to hold the parade of the regular Army, Navy and the Moscow garrison - Victory Parade June 24, 1945 in Moscow's Red Square."
In late May and early June in Moscow was held intensive preparations for the parade. In early June all the participants of the parade, wearing a new dress uniform, proceeded to the pre workout. Rehearsal for infantry units was taking place in the Khodynka field, in the Central Terminal; on the Garden Ring, from the Crimean Bridge to the Smolensk Place, was held inspection of artillery units; mechanized and armored vehicles held training on the testing area in Kuzminki.
To participate in the ceremony were formed and trained regiments representing each front which was in force at the end of the war, led by commanders of the fronts. It was decided to bring from Berlin the Red flag, hoisted over the Reichstag. The formation of the parade was in accordance with the general line of the fronts in force – from right to left. For each regiment were chosen their favorite military marches.
The penultimate rehearsal for Victory Day parade was held at the Central Airfield, and the general one - in Red Square. June 22 at 10 am, Marshals of the Soviet Union, G. K. Zhukov and K. K. Rokossovsky appeared on Red Square on a white horse and a black horse. After the command "Parade, quiet!" the square was swept with a roar of applause. Then, the combined military orchestra of 1400musicians conducted by Major-General, Sergei Chernetsky played the hymn "Glory to the Russian people!" by M. I. Glinka. After that, the commander of the parade, Rokossovsky reported on the readiness for the start of the parade. The marshals made a detour of troops, and returned to the Lenin Mausoleum. Zhukov, having got up to the podium, on behalf of the Soviet government and the CPSU (b) congratulated "brave Soviet soldiers and all the people with the Great Victory over Nazi Germany." Anthem of the Soviet Union was played and a solemn march of the troops began.
The victory parade was attended by the regiments of the fronts, of the People's Commissariat of Defense and the Navy, military academies, colleges, and units of the Moscow garrison. Combined regiments included the rank and file, sergeants and officers of different arms, who had distinguished themselves in battle and had been awarded with military orders. Following the regiments of the fronts and the Navy, on Red Square entered the combined column of Soviet soldiers who were carrying, dropped to the ground, 200 banners of Nazi troops, defeated on the battlefield. These banners were thrown to the foot of the mausoleum as a sign of a crushing defeat of the aggressor. Then solemnly marched the units of the Moscow garrison: the combined regiment of the People's Commissariat of Defense, the military academy, military and Suvorov schools, half-horse brigade, artillery, motorized, airborne and tank units and subunits.
At 23 p. m. the sky over Moscow lit up with searchlights, in the air there were hundreds of balloons, and from the ground were heard the volleys of fireworks with colorful lights. The highlight of the holiday was the cloth with the image of the Order of "Victory", which appeared in the sky in the spotlight.
The next day, June 25, the Grand Kremlin Palace hosted a reception in honor of the Victory Day parade. After a grand celebration in Moscow, upon the suggestion of the Soviet government and the Supreme Command, in September 1945, there was held a small parade of allied troops in Berlin, which was attended by Soviet, American, British and French troops.
Lit.: Беляев И. Н. В парадном строю победителей: Смоляне-участники Парадов Победы в Москве. Смоленск, 1995; Варенников В. И. Парад Победы. М., 2005; Гуревич Я. А. 200 шагов по Красной площади: [Воспоминания участника Парадов Победы 1945 и 1985 гг.]. Кишинев, 1989; Победители: Парад Победы 24 июня 1945 г. Т. 1—4. М., 2001-2006; Штеменко С. М. Парад Победы // Военно-исторический журнал, 1968. № 2.
Парад Победы: сайт. 2016. URL:
From the Presidential library materials:
Victory Day. Victory Parade // Memory of the Great Victory: [digital collection];
Celebrating the Day of Victory // Memory of the Great Victory: [digital collection];