RUSi Reunion History.T. 1. From the beginning of the colonization of the Kyiv-Galitskaya Rus, the Kyiv-Galitsky Tatar Pogrom, un...

Kulish, Pantelemon Aleksandrovich (1819-1897).RUSi Reunion History: T. 1-3 / P.A.Kulish.- St. Petersburg: societies.Use, 1874-1877.-3 t .;22 cm -.1. Territory (collection).Electronic Source: PBOriginal Storage Place: SPbSUT. 1: From the beginning of the colonization by the Tatar Pogrom-Galitsky Tatar pogot, the Kozacco-Shuthetsky War started.- 1874. - [8], III, III, [1], 363 s .. -Dedicated.Noble memory Nikolai Alekseevich Milyutin.Ex.: No oblast, with a manus.litter..I. Milyutin, Nikolai Alekseevich.1.Territory (collection).Electronic Source: PBOriginal Storage Place: SPbSU
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