Information and communication technologies as the basis of the "color revolutions" in modern polities

Yusupova-Farzalieva, Diana Malikovna
Information and communication technologies as the basis of "color revolutions" in modern politiyah: dissertation dis. ... Candidate of Political Sciences: 23.00.02 / Yusupova-Farzaliyeva Diana Malikovna; [Place of protection: Pyatigor. state linguist. un-t] - Pyatigorsk, 2012. -20 s .. - .
1. Power (collection). 2. Political institutions, processes and technologies.
BBK 66.041.33_031 Brtag /> BBK 66.3 (0), 133я031
BBK 66.041.32я031
Source of electronic copy: Pyatigorsk State University. Site
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