Ethnocultural specificity of the image of "self" and the image of the "other" in the language consciousness of Russian, Tatar an...

Razumkov, Anna V.Ethnocultural specificity of the image of "self" and the image of the "other" in the language consciousness of Russian, Tatar and Komi (Zyrian): thesis abstract on competition of a scientific degree of Candidate of Philology: Specialty 10.02.19 / Razumkov Anna V.;[Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences].- Moscow, 2018. -24 p.: Yl.;21 cm .. -100 copies.ind..1. The area (collection).2. The people (set).3. The theory of language.BBK 81.003ya031BBK 81.632.3ya031BBK 81.664.2ya031BBK 81.411.2ya031electronic copy Source: Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences.Site
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