The spatial organization of the regional economy of the Western Arctic during the development of energy resources

Afanasiev, Roman Alexandrovich (Ph.D. in Economics).The spatial organization of the regional economy of the Western Arctic during the development of energy resources: the thesis abstract on competition of a scientific degree of candidate of economic sciences: specialty 08.00.05 / Afanasiev Roman Aleksandrovich;[Moorman.state.tehn.Univ].- Murmansk, 2013. -22 p.: Yl.;21 cm .. -Protection Location: Moorman.state.tehn.Univ.- List of works with authors .:.22 (9 references.).- On the manuscript..-100 copies..1. The area (collection).2. Development of the Arctic (collection).3. Economics and management of national economy.4. Regional economy - the Russian Federation - North - Abstracts of dissertations.5. Energy resources - Arctic - Russian sector - Abstracts of dissertations.6. Gas - Mining - International issues - Abstracts of dissertations.BBK 65.9 (912) -04ya031BBK 65.9 (211) -04ya031BBK 65.305.143.23ya031electronic copy Source: Murmansk State Technical University.Website
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