initial training methods.Part 1. Russian language.Elementary mathematics.New languages.History

initial training methods.- Moscow: Benefits, 1910-1912.- (Pedagogical Academy in essays and monographs upbringing in the family and shkolePod general editorship of Prof. Alex Peter Nechayev......).1. Russian (collection).electronic copy Source: PBThe storage location of the original: LSUPart 1: Russian language;Elementary mathematics;New languages;History / Ed.NKKuhlman, SIShokhor-Trotsky, VKPetrova and SFZnamensky.- "The use of" V. Antique and K °, 1910. -255 p..: Table, IL .. -Part of the text on the the text and footnotes.Note .. - Copy .: a Manuscript.litter..I. Petrov, VK .. II.Znamensky, SF .. III.Kuhlman, NK .. IV.Shokhor-Trotsky S.I..1.Russian (collection).electronic copy Source: PBThe storage location of the original: LSU
Publisher "Польза" В. Антик и К°