The texts of the most important fundamental laws of foreign countries.Part 1 (Basic Laws of England, the French constitution of ...

The texts of the most important fundamental laws of foreign countries.- Moscow: Moscow and S.Sabashnikovs, 1905. -Zagli.reg .: text of the Constitution..1. The area (collection).2. Power (collection).electronic copy Source: PBThe storage location of the original: NB MSUPart 1: (The basic laws of England, the French constitution of 1791, 1814 and 1830 and the Belgian constitution) / Per.priv.-Assoc.FFKokoshkin.- Ed.M. and S. Sabashnikovyh, 1905. -V, [1], with 109 .. -On the region .: Sat.1.Ind .: p Manuscript.litter..I. Kokoshkin F.F..1.The area (collection).2. Power (collection).electronic copy Source: PBThe storage location of the original: NB MSU
Publisher Изд. М. и С. Сабашниковых