The point on the bill of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, tabled in the State Duma of the fourth convocation of the funds leave...

Identifier 8ff1ca81-dcce-45d9-9d0f-dd27644363a4
Title The point on the bill of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, tabled in the State Duma of the fourth convocation of the funds leave to carry out the Commission of measures taken to prevent and combat the plague contagion measures to combat the epidemic of plague in Astrakhan, Stavropol, Samarkand and other provinces in the Don Army Region, Uralsand Turgay regions
Dates 1914
Notes The original title of the case: The case of the vacation 1.500.000 rubles for anti-plague event on the south-east of Russia.May 19 - July 9, 1914Title deeds as the Ministry of Interior.The thing about holiday funds for komissiiey on the prevention and control of plague contagion measures to combat the epidemic of plague in Astrakhan, Stavropol, Samarkand and other provinces in the area of ​​the Don Cossacks, the Ural and Turgay regions.May 19 - July 9, 1914
Text language Russian
Level Case
Call number РГИА. 1278 / 6 / 1172
Cataloguing source RSHA
Series State Duma IV convocation.Cases on bills of departments
Extent sheet 84
Fonds The State Duma of I, II, III and IV convocations
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