Social mechanism of formation of civil society in the Russian region (based on research in the Altai region)

Surtaeva, Olga V.Social mechanism of formation of civil society in the Russian region (based on researches in Altay territory): the thesis abstract on competition of a scientific degree of candidate of sociological sciences: specialty 22.00.04 - Social Structure, Social Institutions and Processes / Surtaeva Olga V.;[A protection Place: Belgorod State University].- Belgorod, 2018. -22 p.;21. -Bibliography: p.20-22 (8 titles)..-150 copies..I. Belgorod State National Research universitet.1.People (collection).2. Power (collection).3. Civil society - the Altai Territory.4. Social structure, social institutions and processes.5. Abstract.BBK 60.52ya031BBK 60.027.1ya031BBK 66.3 (2Ros-4Alt) 15ya031electronic copy Source: HSE "BSU".Website
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