Features of the process of replacing traditional energy renewable sources in the countries of the North Sea basin

Gorlov, Anatoly Alexandrovich (candidate of economic sciences).Features of the process of replacing traditional energy renewable sources in the countries of the North Sea basin: abstract of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of economic sciences: specialty 08.00.14 / Gorlov Anatoly Alexandrovich;[National Research University "Higher School of Economics"].- Moscow, 2020. -31 p.: silt.;21 cm .. -Place of protection: Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.- List of works Auth.: P.30-31 (7 names).- On the rights of the manuscript..1. Power (collection).2. Russia and countries of the world (collection).3. The Russian state and the economy (collection).4. The world economy.5. Electric energy - renewable sources - the countries of the pool of the North Sea.BBK 65.305.142y031BBK 65.9 (922.1) I031Source of an electronic copy: Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.Website
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