Earth and people.[T.] 10. North Africa.Nile basin

Revli, Jean Jacques Eliza (1830-1905).Earth and people: Universal geography of Eliza Revli: T. 1-19.-St. Petersburg: Printing house of the partnership "Public benefits", 1877-1896.-20 t.;26 cm. -.1. Universal geography.BBK 26.89 (0)Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage: St. Petersburg State University[T.] 10: North Africa.Nile basin: with the 57th drawings and Africa cardan.-St. Petersburg: Edition of the cartographic institution of A. Ilyin, 1889. -[5] p., 543, [1], 1 p.kart.: il., cards .. -The signs to vol. 16-19 was compiled by Nikolai Ivanovich Kashkadamov.Bibliography in the text and substitution notes..1. Territory (collection).2. The people (collection).3. Russia and the countries of Africa: from the history of relations (collection).4. Africa North - geography.5. Africa North - history.6. Neil, river (Africa) - pool - geography.BBK 26.89 (6)BBK 63.3 (6) 5Source of an electronic copy: Russian Geographical SocietyOriginal storage location: Russian Geographical Society
Publisher Издание картографического заведения А. Ильина
Catalogue object