St. Petersburg Senate Vedomosti.1861, № 97 (December 5)

St. Petersburg Senate Vedomosti.- St. Petersburg, 1809, 2 Jan.- 1892, 31 Dec.-Titled: 1809, No. 1 (Jan.) - 1892, No. 105 (31 Dec.) St. Petersburg Senate Vedomosti;1893 No. 1 (Jan.) - 1917, [?] Senate Vedomosti.Al.: Senate announcements for government, governmental and judicial affairs: the first and second department.1822-1917;Decisions of cassation departments of the Governing Senate.1866-1915;Decisions of the Criminal Cassation Department of the Governing Senate.1867-1915;Assembly of legal entities and orders of the government, published under the Governing Senate: The first department.1863-1917;Senate ads on government, government and judicial affairs: the department is the third.1883-1917;Senate announcements department fourth.1883-1915; individual rooms.1822, 1830-1831, 1838-1867, 1869-1883, 1887-1917..I. Russia.Senate.1.Russia.Senate - Activities - 19 - Nach.20 centuries.-- Periodicals.2. Domestic serial and continuing editions (collection).3. Power (collection).4. Legislation - Russia - 19 - NCH.20 centuries.-- Periodicals.5. Newspapers - Russia - 19 - Nach.20 centuries ..BBK 67.3 (2) 5Y51BBK 63.3 (2) 5-332Y51Electronic Source: PBPlace of Storage Original: Moscow Department1861, № 97 (December 5).- 1861. -s.2021-2036.-The copy of the presidential library is not complete: no "1861 No. 24 No. 24. Decrees of its imperial Majesty, the dealer of All-Russian, from the Governing Senate, on the production of years for service, approval in ranks and renaming to the ranks" (10 p.), "Kazan-Rodionovsky Institute of Noble Maiden "(2 p.)," Project of the rules on solved affairs of the Office of the Communications and Public Buildings "(4 p.)..Electronic Source: PBOriginal Storage Place: Games
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