Generated painting, or the Pedigree of noble noblemen of the Voeikovs, the tribe of John Grigorievich Voeikov, nicknamed Iwka, t...

Yuvenaly (Voeikov, Ivan Grigorievich, 1729-1807).
Generated painting, or the Pedigree of noble noblemen Voeikovs, the tribe of John Grigorievich Voeikov, nicknamed Iwka, the seventh son of Grigory Prokopievich Voeikov, after the nickname of the Multiplier. - Moscow: Printed on the pedestal of the Kozelsky landlord, Captain Nikolai Grigoriev Voyeikov's son Bolshoy:: Univ. type., in N. Novikov, 1789. -31 p. ; 8. -
At the end of the preface. avt: hegumen Iuvenaly Voeikov.
I. Grigoryev, Nikolay.
Source of the electronic copy: RSL
Publisher Печатана на кошт козельскаго помещика, капитана Николая Григорьева сына Воейкова Большаго : Унив. тип., у Н. Новикова