Magazines Krolevetsky ... county zemstvo assembly .... Estimates of costs and incomes of county zemstvo sums and the layout of t...

Krolevets County. zemstvo assembly.
Magazines Krolevetsky ... county zemsky assembly ...; Estimates of expenditures and incomes of county zemstvo sums and the layout of the monetary zemstvo collections in the Krolevets uyezd ... - Chernigov, cens. 1868-1916. - 22-25. -
Place of the ed. parts of the journal: Glukhov, Konotop, Kiev, Konotop-Krolevets, Krolevets.
Zagl. part of the journal. unfamiliar. changed.
I. Krolevets County Zemstvo Board.
Source of the electronic copy: RSL
The next and extraordinary ... 1901. - 1902. -XVIII, 320 s .. - .
Source of the electronic copy: RSL