Estimated additional money the county Zemsky duties Sevsk County .... ... on 1909

Sevsk county rural council.Estimated additional money the county Zemsky duties Sevsk County ... - Sevsk, [1867] -1916.-Place ed.and the publishing house of the Vol .: The Eagle: Type.Provincial government.In Vol.1870 Zagli .: Estimated costs of the county Zemsky collection of Sevsk county;1871-1872 gg:Estimated financial district zemstvo costs Sevsk county ...;1874-1886 gg .: The estimate of cash and layout Zemsky duties on Sevsk county (with insignificant changes.);1888 .: estimates and layout county zemskogo gathering and collection of layout provincial Sevsky county;with publishing.1896 .: The estimates and layout of money the county Zemsky duties and layout of provincial duties on Sevsk County..electronic copy Source: RSL... at 1909. - 1909. - [12] 133 ...electronic copy Source: RSL