Magazines ... Kamyshinsky county Zemsky assembly .... 2nd next ... third triennial report and county rural council for 1873

Kamyshinskoe County.Provincial Assembly.Magazines ... Kamyshinsky county Zemsky assembly ... - Kamyshin, [1868] -1916.- 20-29.-Place ed.Zh.for a number of years: Saratov.Zagli.MY .: for a number of years: Resolution Kamyshinsky county Zemsky assembly;for 1900 g .: Reports Kamishinskaya county Zemstvo;for 1905, 1908 .: The reports and logs Kamyshinsky county Zemsky assembly;for 1913 (extras.): ... Kamyshinskye county.Zemsky meeting;for a number of years Minor.changed..electronic copy Source: RSL2nd next ... third triennial report and county rural council for the year 1873.- 1874. -227 with .. -.electronic copy Source: RSL