Celebration of Belograd Muz

The Celebration of Belograd Muz: [speeches and poems of pupils of the Belgorod Seminary].- Moscow: In the provincial printing house, A. Reshetnikova, 1801.-24 s.;26 cm - -In front of the text of the dedication: "The Great Sovereign of the Emperor Alexander Pavlovich, the autocrat of the All-Russian, all-conspicuous sciences to the patron, at the most common day of the highest coronation of his imperial Majesty and the August spouse, the pious sovereign of the Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna, the All -genic Seminary from Belogradsk seminary, 1801 of the day.".1. Alexander I (Russian Emperor; 1777 - 1825).2. Elizabeth Alekseevna (Russian Empress; 1779 - 1826).3. Power (collection).4. Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna (Collection).5. House of Romanov (Collection).6. Russia in faces (collection).BBK 63.3 (2) 513-8BBK 63.3 (2) 521-8BBK 84 (2 = 411.2) 51Electronic Source: PBOriginal Storage Place: GPIB
Publisher в Губернской типографии у А. Решетникова
Catalogue object