Autocracy and liberals in the revolution 1905-1907

Autocracy and liberals in the 1905-1907 revolution / Sost.and supplied notes.S.A.Alekseev;Preport.S. Dubrovsky.- M.;L.: Gosizdat, 1925. -167, [1] p.;21. -Stolypin and revolution;The beginning of the exposure of the negotiations of the Party K.-D.with ministers / V.I.Lenin.Three attempts / P.N.Milyukov.From memories / gr.S.Yu.Witte.Polemics on the issue of the "public ministry".- Name pointer: s.165-167..I. Alekseev, Sergey Alexandrovich.II.Dubrovsky, with ..Electronic Source: PB
Publisher Госиздат

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