Russian bulletin. 1893. T. 227. [No. 8]. August

Russian Herald
1893. T. 227. [No. 8]. August. - St. Petersburg: Type. High. ut. T-va "The Society of Benefits", 1893.-372, 64 p. : tabl., il .. -
Contents: Memoirs of Count Olizar: I-IV / [Comp.] A.F. Kopylov. Grave: Stirotev. / [Comp.] B.V. Nikolsky. In the troubled years: Roman: Ch 2 / [Soch.] NI. Pavlova. The characters of the past. Protopop Avvakum / [Com.] K.N. Yarosh. Stories from the old Caucasian life. Risky journey / [Com.] IS. Cech, [and others]. - Bibliograf. in a substring. note. and in the text otd. articles.
Source of the electronic copy: PB
Publisher издание М. Каткова