Strange cities

Foreign cities: [artistic-publicistic film] / director: Andrey Kim; screenwriter: Maxim Ermakov; operator: Sergey Gavrilov; music: Oleg Plyasunov; producer: Alexander Leker; she told: Marina Mihailovna Borisova; [film studio] Master - Electronic data (1 video file) -Ekaterinburg: Master Studio film, 2016 -
System requirements: 1 GHz or higher; RAM 512 MB or higher; Windows; Windows Media Player; video adapter; зв карта
Access mode: the Internet portal of the Presidential Library
The title from the screen
On the titleframes: Master The film was created by order of Olga Borisova, the granddaughter of the heroine of our history
Duration: 73 min.
Multimedia electronic edition
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The feature film "Stranger cities" by the Ural director Andrei Kim talks about the return of a family of Russian intellectuals from Chinese Harbin. In the center of the story is the unusual and rare fate of Lydia Borisov she was born in Yekaterinburg in 1917 And in 1920 her parents took her to Harbin Here Lydia received a brilliant education and married a Japanese 1945 - Soviet-Japanese war, a civil war in China With two children, Lydia wanders through Manchuria, collaborates with counterfeiting, moonlighting as a dishwasher in the Soviet embassy, ​​losing her husband and father. And only in 1954 she returned to her homeland, to Soviet Russia, so that after a long stagnation in a provincial kolkhoz, she could become an accompanist pianist in the Kurgan Philharmonic. about uneasy life and complicated time - Materials of the site "Yeltsin Center" (https: // yeltsinru / affair / film-chuzhie-goroda /) were used
I Kim, Andrei Georgievich II Ermakov, Maxim III Gavrilov, Sergey IV Plyasunov, Oleg (1965-) V Leker, Alexander Zoryevich VI Borisova, Marina Mikhaylovna VII "Master", video production studio (Yekaterinburg) 1 The people (collection) 2 Russia in the faces (collection) 3 Russia and countries of the world (collection) 4 Territory (collection) 5 Russian emigrants - Harbin, city (China) - 20 в - Artistic and publicistic film 6 Russian emigrants - Manchuria - 20 в - Artistic -publicistic film 7 Soviet-Japanese war - 1945 - Artistic and publicistic film 8 Kurgan region - History - 20 in - Artistic and publicistic film 9 Feature films 10 Documentaries
BBK 633 (5Kit) 6ya04
ББК 633 (2) 622,14я04
ББК 633 (2) 6-2846th04
Source of the electronic copy: LLC Video production studio "Master"
Location of original storage: OOO Video production studio "Master"
Publisher фильм-студия"Мастер"
Catalogue object