Historical and literary studies and materials.Notes of the Historical and Philology Faculty of the Imperial St. Petersburg Unive...

Peretts, Vladimir Nikolaevich (1870-1935).Historical and literary research and materials: T. 1, 3. - St. Petersburg: Type.F. Weisberg and P. Gershunina, 1900-1902.-2 t .;22. - (Notes of the Historical and Philology Faculty of the Imperial Saint Petersburg University).-Before talked.Awn: V.N.Peretz..Electronic Source: PBT. 1: From the history of the Russian song.Part 1, the beginning of artificial poetry in Russia.Studies on the influence of Malorussian Virchashevsky Poetry and People's Poetry of the XVI-XVIII per Great Russian.To the history of the Godsman.- 1900. - [10], 425 s .. - (notes of the historical and philological faculty of the Imperial St. Petersburg University; Ch. 54, Issue 2).-Bibliogr.in a substrateNote..Electronic Source: PB
Publisher Тип. Ф. Вайсберга и П. Гершунина

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