History of the Russian Church.T. 2.

Makariya (Bulgakov, Mikhail Petrovich; 1816-1882).History of the Russian Church / [cit.] Makaria, Mitre.Moscow.- 3rd ed.(Printed from the 2nd ed.).-Sanct-Petersburg: Type.R. Golik, 1888-1889.-3 t .;24 cm. -.I. Bulgakov, Mikhail Petrovich (1816-1882) .1People (collection).Electronic Source: PBOriginal Storage Place: UrFUT. 2. - 1889. - [4], 366, VI s .. -Bibliogr.In the text and substitution.Note .. - Ex.: no oblast, with a manus.litter..1. People (collection).Electronic Source: PBOriginal Storage Place: UrFU
Publisher Тип. Р. Голике

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