People's Encyclopedia of Scientific and Applied Knowledge. 14. The national economic policy

People's Encyclopedia of Scientific and Applied Knowledge
T. 14: National economic policy: Subjects: poverty alleviation, cooperation issues, colonization and resettlement, ways of communication and means of communication, trade / In sost. Art. took part: A.A. Bogomolov, prof. M.I. Bogolepov, priv.-Assoc. A.V. Gorbunov et al. (Ch. 2). - A type. t-va ID Sytin, 1911. - [6], 320 with. : tab. -
On the region. zagl .: People's Encyclopedia.
At ext. tit. l. encl: Encyclopedia (circle of knowledge).
Bibliogr. at the end of the articles.
I. Bogomolov, A.A. .. II. Bogolepov, M.I .. III. Gorbunov, A.V. The people (the collection).
Source of electronic copy: PB
Location of original storage: СПАСК
Publisher Тип. Т-ва И.Д. Сытина

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