Success Factors and risks of high school socialization (for example, high school students in Rostov-on-Don and the Rostov region...

Yaishnikov, Alexander Y.Success Factors and risks of high school socialization (for example, high school students in Rostov-on-Don and the Rostov area): the thesis abstract on competition of a scientific degree of candidate of sociological sciences: specialty 22.00.04 / YaishnikovAlexander Y.;[A protection Place: Institute of Sociology Academy of Sciences].- Moscow, 2017. -25 p.;21 cm .. -Bibliogr .: p.24-25 (13 references.) And in footnotes.Note..1. People (collection).2. The area (collection).3. Social structure, social institutions and processes.4. Sociology - Social institutions - Sociology of Education.Educational sociology - methods, techniques, equipment and procedures of sociological research.The apparatus of sociological research.5. Culture.The science.Education - Education.Education - Higher Education.Pedagogy of higher education - Higher Education - Russian Federation - Leadership and management of higher education - Research Methods.6. Psychology - Social (social) psychology - Personality as a socio-psychological phenomenon - the socialization of the individual.7. Rostov region (Russian Federation).BBK 60.543.172ya031BBK 63.3 (2Ros-4Ros) 64-284.2ya031BBK 74.484 (2Ros-4Ros) 64ya031electronic copy Source: Institute of Sociology.Website
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