Magazines of the Nezhinsky county Zemsky meeting .... the next session of 1900

Nezhinsky county Zemstvo collection.Magazines of the Nezhinsky county Zemsky Assembly ... - Nezhin: Type.G. L. Shapiro, [1866] -1916.- 22-24 cm. -Place ed.Parts of magazines: Chernigov, Kiev.Stoodmagazines: For 1867 magazines ... Nezhinskaya Zemstvo Management;Over a number of years is insignificant.Changed..1. Estimates .... Nezhinskaya county Zemskaya gloom.Electronic copy source: RGBAnother 1900 session.- 1901. -299, V, IV s .. -.Electronic copy source: RGB
Publisher Тип. Г. Л. Шапиро

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