Identifier ba3e3269-c7a1-436e-8ec2-825b0e398166 Title State Duma IV convocation.Cases on bills of departments Dates 1907 Text language Russian Level Lists Call number 6 Cataloguing source RGIA Extent 1593 storage units Fonds The State Duma of I, II, III and IV convocations File РГИА. 1278 / 6 / 1135. The case under the bill of the Ministry of the Interior, introduced to the State Duma of the fourth convocation, on the release of funds for conducting research of water sources in the vicinity of the city of Vladivostok, in order to improve the water supply of the city, fortress, РГИА. 1278 / 6 / 1140. State Duma I, II, III and IV convocations.The State Duma Foundation I, II, III and IV convocations.The case of the bill on the Ministry of the Interior, submitted to the State Duma of the fourth convocation, on the organization as part of the Nikolsk-Ussuri police РГИА. 1278 / 6 / 1149. The case on the bill of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, submitted to the State Duma of the Fourth Convocation, on the release of funds for the adaptation of the building of the Moscow arsenal in the Kremlin to the Military History Museum in memory of the Patriotic War of 1812 РГИА. 1278 / 6 / 1162. The point on the bill of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, tabled in the State Duma of the fourth convocation of the holiday funds for the issuance of the All-Russian League aids for TB РГИА. 1278 / 6 / 1170. The point on the bill of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, tabled in the State Duma of the fourth convocation of the holiday means to the study of malaria on the Caucasian coast of the Black Sea РГИА. 1278 / 6 / 1171. The point on the bill of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, tabled in the State Duma of the fourth convocation, on vacation means imperial approval of the Commission on measures to prevent and combat the plague plague on measures to combat cholera and plague epidemics РГИА. 1278 / 6 / 1172. The point on the bill of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, tabled in the State Duma of the fourth convocation of the holiday funds for the Commission on prevention measures and the fight against the plague contagion measures to combat the epidemic of plague in Astrakhan, becoming РГИА. 1278 / 6 / 1173. The Commission's report on the prevention measures and the fight against the plague contagion to the bill of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, tabled in the State Duma of the fourth convocation, an expenditure of 2,500,000 rubles allocated for the granting of benefits in rural and urban society РГИА. 1278 / 6 / 1305. The case on the draft law of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry made to the State Duma of the Fourth Conversion, about the establishment of the Polytechnic Institute in the city of Samara РГИА. 1278 / 6 / 1313. PB РГИА. 1278 / 6 / 1424. State Duma I, II, III and IV convocations. Fund State Duma I, II, III and IV convocations. The case on the bill of the Ministry of Railways, submitted to the State Duma of the Fourth convocation, on the establishment of a fee from vessels and cargo for use РГИА. 1278 / 6 / 1434. State Duma I, II, III and IV convocations.The State Duma Foundation I, II, III and IV convocations.The case of the bill on the Ministry of Justice, submitted to the State Duma of the Fourth convocation, on the establishment of a district court in the city of Bakhmut Yekaterinoslavsk РГИА. 1278 / 6 / 1440. The point on the bill of the Ministry of Justice, tabled in the State Duma of the fourth convocation, on the establishment of the responsibility of doctors for issuing false certificates about the health of the patient, the cause of death and graft smallpox РГИА. 1278 / 6 / 1447. State Duma I, II, III and IV convocations.The State Duma Foundation I, II, III and IV convocations.The case of the bill on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, submitted to the State Duma of the fourth convocation, on the release of funds for the purchase of land and buildings РГИА. 1278 / 6 / 152. The case under the draft law of the Ministry of the Interior submitted to the State Duma of the Fourth Convocation on the organization of mail transport on newly constructed roads: Kielce Emblems, Yeisk-Sosyka, Lgov-Rodakovo, Melekess-Bugulma Chapel, Nizhny Tagil-Alapayevsk РГИА. 1278 / 6 / 227. State Duma I, II, III and IV conveners.Foundation State Duma I, II, III and IV Consisters.The case on the draft law of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, made to the State Duma of the Fourth Conversion, about the vacation of funds for expansion and wrestling РГИА. 1278 / 6 / 463. The point on the bill of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, tabled in the State Duma of the fourth convocation of the holiday means to the Commission on prevention measures and the fight against the plague plague on measures to combat epidemics of cholera and plague РГИА. 1278 / 6 / 760. The point on the bill of the Ministry of Railways, tabled in the State Duma of the fourth convocation, the establishment of sanitary supervision on Russian waterways to prevent the spread of epidemic diseases РГИА. 1278 / 6 / 826. Дело по законопроекту Министерства юстиции, внесенному в Государственную думу Четвертого созыва, о преобразовании управления тюрьмами в Тобольской, Томской, Енисейской и Иркутской губерниях, Уральской, Акмолинской, Семиреченской, Семипалатинской и Якутско РГИА. 1278 / 6 / 867. State Duma I, II, III and IV convocations.The State Duma Foundation I, II, III and IV convocations.The case of the bill on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, submitted to the State Duma of the fourth convocation, on the transformation of the mission into Morocco into diplomatic A РГИА. 1278 / 6 / 93. The case on the bill of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, submitted to the State Duma of the Third convocation, on the adoption of measures for the settlement of the Murmansk coast on the Kola Peninsula by the Russians РГИА.. Государственная дума I, II, III и IV созывов. Государственная Дума IV Созыв. Дела по законопроектам ведомств. Д. 467.. The case under the bill of the Ministry of the Interior, submitted to the State Duma of the Fourth convocation, on the release of funds for the purchase of postal wagons for the main management of posts and telegraphs Display format Archival description RUSMARC