Departure.1927. № 4. February

Department: leading journal for the countertilers of young pioneers: the body of the Central Committee of the VLKSM.- [Moskva], 1939.I. VLKSM.CC.1.People (collection).Electronic Source: PBPlace of Storage Original: Sverdlovsk region.Library for children and junior1927. № 4. February: Steering journal.on children.Combination: Authority Center.Bureau of young pioneers at the Central Committee and Mosk.Bureau of young pioneers with year ed.4: Leaves 2 times a month.- Mol.Guard, 1927. -48 p.: Il .. the text..-16000 cop..1. People (collection).Electronic Source: PBPlace of Storage Original: Sverdlovsk region.Library for children and junior
Publisher Мол. гвардия

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